TSA updates policy to allow CBD products on flights

The Transportation Security Administration has revised regulations to allow medical marijuana patients to travel with certain types of CBD products.
The TSA website updated their “What Can I Bring” section on Monday that now permits products containing hemp-derived CBD, as well as FDA-approved medications containing CBD, in both carry-on and check-in luggage.
“Products/medications that contain hemp-derived CBD or are approved by the FDA are legal as long as it is produced within the regulations defined by the law under the Agriculture Improvement Act 2018,” according to the new section.
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The updated language, which was first reported by Marijuana Moment, comes as the FDA recently approved its first CBD medication for the anti-seizure treatment, Epidiolex.
Moreover, hemp-derived CBD is now legal since the 2018 farm bill legalized industrial hemp production.
“TSA was made aware of an FDA-approved drug that contains CBD oil for children who experience seizures from pediatric epilepsy,” a TSA spokesperson wrote in a press statement. “To avoid confusion as to whether families can travel with this drug, TSA immediately updated TSA.gov once we became aware of the issue.”
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Despite the updated policy, marijuana will remain forbidden due to its federal status.
“Possession of marijuana and certain cannabis infused products, including some Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, remain illegal under federal law,” the TSA spokesperson warned. “TSA officers are required to report any suspected violations of law, including possession of marijuana and certain cannabis infused products.”
Oscar Pascual is the editor of Smell the Truth, syndicated on GreenState and SFGATE. Smell The Truth is one of the internet’s most popular destinations for cannabis-related news and culture. This blog is not written or edited by Hearst. The authors are solely responsible for the content.