This weed strain makes everyone magical

Unicorn Poop strain: White unicorn on the beach

Certain cannabis names leave room for pause, like the Unicorn Poop strain. While the flower surely doesn’t smell like poo, nor are unicorns real (we think), the name grabs attention.

As I took a whiff, I saw some meaning in the name. It smells like a fruit with a funky edge. This cross of GMO and Sophisticated Lady brings an edge I’ve never experienced. Unicorn Poop is a flavor I never thought I’d crave, but now you could call me a fan.

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Unicorn Poop was created by Thug Pug Genetics, the breeder also responsible for the Pure Michigan strain and Peanut Butter Breath. They say the name comes from the rainbow of colors and citrus fuel scent. The parents are GMO (Garlic Mushroom Onions) and Sophisticated Lady, a lesser-known cross of Ghost OG and Grateful Breath. These phenotypes have complex terpene profiles, harnessing savory garlic and fresh earth. The parent plants are also prominent in the effects, relaxed but balanced.

I tried a version of Unicorn Poop grown by Freya Farms in Washington state. The package lists it as an 80 percent indica, but I am more in hybrid territory after an initial spike.

Unicorn Poop strain looks, smell, and taste

Fruit and earth marry in Unicorn Poop, a truly unique cannabis strain. The flower grows dense, covered in sparkling trichomes. Its leaves grow dark purple with forest green splotches on chunky pine tree-shaped cones. Things get more complicated when it comes to the scent.

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unicorn poop strain:Unicorn in the woods
magical unicorn running in the woods Photo: Helen Alderton / Getty Images

The Unicorn Poop strain scent is reminiscent of neroli oil, a bitter citrus, and fresh soil. Frozen berries came through when I took a deeper smell. As for taste, some freshly cut grass came through clary sage and cut grass. The taste is sharp, and none of the fruit translated into the flavor.

This aesthetic experience is delightful, and the effects are just as fun.

Effects of Unicorn Poop strain

Bong hits are my favorite way to experience a new strain, and Unicorn Poop was no different. I felt this variety in my temples and sinuses. The strain released tension that I didn’t know was there. That relaxation flowed to my shoulders as they fell from my ears.

Focus was fleeting in the first 20 minutes. It was hard to hold my attention as the strain took hold. It did not hit me over the head like a true indica strain, nor did it make my head feel like it was a helium-filled balloon floating away from my body. This is why I would side more with a slightly indica hybrid than the label of my flower suggested.

As the plateau hit, I was blessed with the slightest body high and stress relief. Unicorn Poop did not leave me completely wrecked. I enjoyed some and then continued on with my day immediately. This is a good choice for those seeking a subtle stone for chores or while reading a book–this is a good choice.

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unicorn poop strain
Real white unicorn in field with rainbow Photo: Helen Alderton / Getty Images

Unicorn Poop Frequently Asked Questions

With a name like Unicorn Poop, people may want to know more. That’s why I created this Unicorn Poop FAQ, to shed some light on the all-star phenotype.

What does Unicorn Poop taste like?

The Unicorn Poop strain may taste like Clary Sage and freshly cut grass.

Is Unicorn Poop an indica or sativa?

Unicorn Poop is a hybrid that is said to be anywhere between a 50/50 hybrid and 80 percent indica and 20 percent sativa. How the strain feels widely depends on how it is grown and each person’s endocannabinoid system.

What does the Unicorn Poop strain smell like?

Unicorn Poop smells like bitter citrus and fresh soil with a hint of frozen berries.

What does Unicorn Poop look like?

Unicorn Poop flowers grow in pointy-topped cones in dark purple hues with spots of forest green. These buds are blasted with trichomes, making them seem blanketed in sparkles.

Who knew poop smelled so good?

Unicorn Poop may sound like a strange name, but it smells as good as it feels. Want an even-keel hybrid providing some stoney qualities without locking you into the couch? You may appreciate this flavor. It may sound a bit weird, but with one puff, everyone will be fans of Unicorn Poop.

Cara Wietstock is senior content producer of and has been working in the cannabis space since 2011. She has covered the cannabis business beat for Ganjapreneur and The Spokesman Review. You can find her living in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, son, and a small zoo of pets.

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