Benevolent Bakery brownie review: easiest homemade edibles ever

Benevolent bakery brownie review: Chocolate muffin bread with marijuana top view

Elder stoners have a few shared memories like knife hits, gravity bongs, and dreaming of a world with exciting edibles. One of those high thoughts often centered around making edibles: it would have been nice to have a one-step process for freshly baked weed food. Now there is.

Benevolent Bakery is an Oklahoma-based brand that crafts convenient, consistent baking mixes where nostalgia meets imagination.

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All about Benevolent Bakery brownies

The Benevolent Bakery’s flagship product is Double Chocolate Brownie Mix, available at stores in Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Montana, and New York markets. The brand also sells Confetti Cake mix and will soon release hot cocoa. The entire lineup was recently made available online nationwide via the brand-run e-commerce store.

All of the boxes contain 100, 250, or 1000 milligrams of hemp-derived THC, which are meant to be cut into 10 squares. The 1000 mg option is only available in Oklahoma. The brand uses small-batch mixing and intentional ingredients to ensure the THC is evenly distributed throughout the batter.

As for the recommended dose, ten brownies would lead to 10, 25, or 100 mg per square. The GreenState recommendation is to start with two to five mg when finding the perfect personal dose. Tread lightly with a few of these, and perhaps begin with a morsel over a square.

Delicious treats are only one part of the operation; the other involves giving back. A portion of sales from each box goes to the surrounding community. The donations are currently directed towards The Homeless Alliance, a group working to end homelessness in Oklahoma City, and the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance.

Baking Benevolent Brownies

Following a recipe from scratch sometimes leads to mistakes. That is why people everywhere love box mixes. This weed version brings us into the future, where making edibles at home is as easy as pie.

This boxed brownie is as simple as advertised. It requires a half cup of water and minimal kitchen gear to pull off, making it a fruitful foray into the kitchen for beginners. Grab a spoon, mixing bowl, measuring cup, and water–that’s all they need.

The founder recommends adding eggs, vegetable oil, and vanilla instead of water for even better results. While cooking these treats is easy, dosing them out might raise complications.

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Get mathematical when it is time to cut. The box suggests 10 servings but caters to who’s eating them instead. For some, cutting the tray into brownie bites may dose a more widely accepted amount of THC. Those cutting into small pieces should let the pan cool completely for the best results. Otherwise, the knife may drag and mess up the precision.

When it comes to flavor, these taste like any other boxed brownie. They do require excessive stirring, which results in cakey rather than fudgy treats. Quality cocoa and no weed come through in the flavor. Those craving the old days of musky weed brownies may be disappointed. Also, anyone with a dairy allergy should steer clear. Milk powder is all up in there.

These brownies are easy to bake and delicious, but remember to label them and keep them far away from kids and pets. There’s no scent to warn people of the cannabis inside.

Benevolent Bakery brownie review: yum

Making edibles used to require hours of crock potting, but not anymore. Brands like Benevolent Bakery bring edible baking into the present day. If there are aisles of boxed cakes, brownies, muffins, and cornbread, the same could exist for cannabis. And now it does.

Cara Wietstock is senior content producer of and has been working in the cannabis space since 2011. She has covered the cannabis business beat for Ganjapreneur and The Spokesman Review. You can find her living in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, son, and a small zoo of pets.

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