
Blue Meanie mushroom is actually quite nice

Blue meanie mushroom

There is a whole bouquet of magic mushroom strains proven to incite a psychedelic experience, from Golden Teachers to the Blue Meanie mushroom. While these species both contain psilocybin, they belong to different genus. There is a vast taxonomy of psychedelic mushrooms.

There isn’t much science-based research on the precise differences in effect from species to species. But psychonauts have been sharing their experiences with the mushroom species for generations.

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Blue Meanie mushroom
Photo by Remigiusz Gora for Getty Images. Edited by GreenState in Canva. Photo: Remigiusz Gora / Getty Images

The Blue Meanie strain is often coveted as more potent than others, with more psilocin and psilocybin than beloved shrooms like Liberty Caps. The scientific name for Blue Meanie magic mushrooms is Panaeolus cyanescens, though they have also been called Hawaiian Copelandia.

The fruiting body is now often found and consumed in Hawaii, though legality of the compound varies from state to state. Also, Hawaii isn’t the birthplace of this psychedelic mushroom— Blue Meanies are found in subtropical climates around the globe.

The history of Blue Meanies

Panaeolus cyanescens has been foraged in Africa, South Asia, South Korea, South America, Hawaii, California, Appalachia, and the Southern United States. The species is part of the Panaeolus genus, which grows on dung. The scientific species name is cyanescens which comes from the blue or somewhat greenish color the flesh takes on after it is cut from the stem or bruised.

Beatles fans may recognize the mushroom’s name from the 1968 animated film Yellow Submarine. The antagonists were characters called the Blue Meanies, sparking a rumor that the name arose from this animated adventure. However, no proof has confirmed that the Beatles helped name this magic mushroom. There is also no confirmation that the characters were named after the mushrooms.

As mentioned earlier, the mushroom is also called Copelandia cyanescens. Additionally, Psilocybe cyanescens is often shortened to P. cyanescens. Panaeolus cyanescens is shortened the same way. Because of this, many people confuse the two mushroom species, but they are quite different. For one, Psilocybe cyanescens (often called Wavy Caps) grow out of wood chips, not poo.

Blue Meanies mushrooms aren’t even in the same genus as the common Psilocybe cubensis and cyanescens. One giveaway that the two mushrooms aren’t family is their appearance. Still, co-founder of Tryptomics Christopher Pauli told GreenState that most Blue Meanies that are tested in the lab aren’t from the Panaeolus genus. The biotechnology company tests mushrooms for potency, composition, and more.

“We have never seen one come through the lab since we’ve tested both Hawaiian Blue Meanies and Blue Meanies, but both of which were Psilocybe cubensis,” Pauli shared.

So, are they really Blue Meanies? Depends on who you ask, but here’s some solid ways to identify those in the Panaeolus genus.

Identifying Blue Meanie mushrooms

The delicate little shrooms have white-gray flesh, when pierced, cut, or otherwise injured, the flesh bruises a blue, almost green. As mentioned, this is how the magic mushroom gets its name.

Tiny but mighty, the mushroom varies in size, measuring one and a half to four centimeters across. The caps and stem start light brown, slowly becoming grayish white, but color can vary from yellow to dark brown. Caps may develop cracks in dry weather. The gills go from the stem to the outside of the cap, also known as broadly adnate to adnexed.

These gills turn black as the mushroom ages, and the Blue Meanies mushroom strain creates a jet-black spore print. This all sits atop a thin, white stem.

Foraging for mushrooms can be fun but also exceptionally dangerous without the proper field guide. Even if the mushroom matches a trusty identification book, it is best to get the second opinion of a mycologist or equally studied individual before consuming foraged mushrooms–psychedelic or not.

Blue Meanies have been spotted growing naturally outside in subtropical climates. The shrooms are most active from June to September, with a flush peak in August. However, those who live outside these areas are able to cultivate these mushrooms indoors.

Growing the Blue Meanie mushroom

Many sterilize a substrate and inoculate it with a spore syringe to start growing Blue Meanies. Then, it’s all about providing the right environment for the mushroom species to thrive. Someone growing Blue Meanies in the closet must have proper knowledge of substrates and their preparation, preferred environment, and sterilization.

Nutrient compost or dung is essential for growing Blue Meanies at home. Rye and millet or other grain-based substrates work well as a base for this species. And, like many mushrooms, Panaeolus cyanescens thrives in warm, humid climates. Keep the space where the mushrooms grow around 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity should be at 80 to 90 percent.

With the right teacher or educational materials, a beginner could grow Blue Meanies. It just takes knowledge of the right environment, and they may thrive.

Blue Meanies effects and experience

The common consensus is that Blue Meanie mushrooms contain almost double the concentrations of psilocin and psilocybin as other common mushroom strains.

“The Panaeolous cyanescens blue meanie is one that’s well-known IMO, but it appears most people that are cultivating blue meanies indoor are doing a Psilocybe cubensis strain named Blue Meanie,” Pauli explained. “So, definitely makes for a confusing history a bit to try to understand which blue meanie that someone is referring to, but the Panaeolus we’ve screened in the past have generally been more potent than cubensis varieties.”

Many psychedelic enthusiasts also believe that this species of psychedelic mushroom imparts more visual and auditory hallucinations than others. However, there is no scientific evidence regarding visuals.

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Blue Meanie mushroom
Photo by Jakob Berg for Getty Images, edited by GreenState in Canva

Those who consume Panaeolus cyanescens may also lose sense of time, make an experience feel extra profound, inspire deep introspection, and emanate a sense of connectedness. The effects of Blue Meanie are also commonly experienced after consuming other genera of magic mushrooms.

Because both genera of mushrooms are blessed with psilocybin and psilocin content, the effects and experiences brought on by Blue Meanies don’t differ much compared to Gold Caps or Wavy Caps. The difference between species can be spotted in potency and appearance.

When preparing for Blue Meanie effects, think psilocybin. Though they may evoke a more intense experience, the circumstances will be familiar to someone who has consumed other magic mushroom species.

Avoiding bad trips and other precautions

Legality is gray with psilocybin mushrooms, plus this experience isn’t without its side effects. Brave, interested psychonauts may also experience nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal discomfort. This is especially common on the come-up, a term used to describe the period of time while the compounds are kicking in.

People who suffer from anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, psychosis, and other mental health disorders should consult with a doctor and/or pharmacist (for those prescribed meds) before attempting to consume psychedelics.

As for bad trips, these can often be avoided–even if it means not eating mushrooms at all. There’s an old saying about eating psychedelics, “You have to pack your bags before taking a trip.” Packing the mental bags is often referred to as the set. A clear-headed approach to a trip is ideal, and anyone questioning whether that is possible should consider a therapeutic session with a professional over a trip at home.

Whether at home, the park, camping, or at a psychedelic health center, the setting matters too. Feeling safe and secure is essential to travel the depths of the mind; the same goes for comfort. Having clothes, blankets, and seating that are comfortable for those embarking on the journey may inspire a positive, cohesive experience.

Much of the setting is based on the personal preference of those in attendance, but every psychedelic journey should have a trip sitter. A trip sitter is a non-judgemental, sober counterpart who is present and prepared to deal with any unforeseen circumstances.

Could be that the indoor cat gets out or that they talk someone down from a self-induced panic attack brought on by the onslaught of euphoria experienced during a come-up. Either way, most are glad they have a trip sitter in attendance.

Blue Meanie preparation methods

Blue Meanies can be prepared like most mushrooms. Grind them into a powder and put them in truffles or other adult treats, steep them in tea, or eat them outright.

A mortar and pestle work well to pulverize magic mushrooms into powder, or a coffee bean grinder. Whichever is chosen should remain a psychedelic mushroom grinder and not work its way back into the kitchen to avoid trippy cross-contamination. Also consider wearing a mask to avoid inhaling any.

Truffles are a common way to use psilocybin mushroom powder because they just require a stir and shaping. Others enjoy putting the powder into capsules to take like any other supplement. The draw to powder is its consumption method versatility.

Tea is a commonly used method for consuming magic mushrooms. It’s more palatable for textural eaters, and some swear it is also more potent. To make mushroom tea, chop the shrooms up and place them in the bottom of a cup. Pour boiling hot water over the bits, for extra flavor, add a tea bag. Florals work well with the earthy profile of the mushrooms.

As for eating them outright, those brave souls have many methods. Dried mushrooms have been tucked inside Rice Krispie treats, delicately placed on peanut butter sandwiches, and tossed back like popcorn. It’s the dealer’s choice, really.

Blue Meanie FAQ

Did the Beatles name Blue Meanies?

Though the name of the antagonists in the 1968 animation Yellow Submarine are named Blue Meanies, there is no proof that Panaeolus cyanescens was named after characters in the Beatles-song-inspired film.

Are Blue Meanies more potent than other mushrooms?

“In general, we’ve seen quite a bit of variation in the blue meanies we’ve tested too with some as low as 0.35% total alkaloids and some other isolations of it are over 1% total alkaloids, and that’s for just the Psilocybe cubensis version of it as well. We have seen BVI (Panelous cyanescens) at over 3.5% total alkaloids and APEs (Cubensis) that are nearly 3% as well, so I wouldn’t say the blue meanie is the most potent mushroom, but it definitely can be above average (0.67% total alkaloids) for cubensis depending on the genetic isolation and cultivation techniques,” Pauli explained

Can Blue Meanie mushrooms grow indoors?

Given the proper substrate and environment, Blue Meanie mushrooms can be grown indoors and at home. This psychedelic mushroom requires a space of up to 90 percent humidity with a substrate made of nutrient-dense compost and grain.

Are Blue Meanie mushrooms legal?

Blue Meanies are psilocybin mushrooms, which means that they are decriminalized and even legalized in some places but not in others. Internationally, psilocybin is legal for possession, sale, and transport in Nepal and Brazil. If the mushrooms are made into truffles, the same goes for the Netherlands.

In Austria, the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Samoa, possession, private consumption, and transport are legal. The sale of the fruiting bodies is illegal in these locales. As for the United States, it varies depending on the city.

Possession is decriminalized in Oregon and Washington D.C., as well as Seattle, Wash., Oakland and San Francisco, Calif., Ann Arbor, Mich., Minneapolis, Minn., and Somerville and Cambridge, Mass. It is fully legal in Colorado.

The same goes for the transport and cultivation of Blue Meanies and other psychedelic shrooms. The sale of the compound remains illegal, with some exceptions for licensed medical centers.

Blue Meanies are a highly potent species of magic mushrooms, delicate in appearance but heavy-hitting in effect. It doesn’t matter if it is a Psilocybe or Panaeolus genus. with a higher concentration of psilocybin and an iconic blue hue, these are memorable mushrooms. Make it a good memory by buttoning up the set and setting it before taking off.

Cara Wietstock is Senior Content Producer of and has been working in the cannabis space since 2011. She has covered the cannabis business beat for Ganjapreneur and The Spokesman Review. You can find her living in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, son, and a small zoo of pets. 

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