Green Rush Podcast: rescheduling roundtable

Advertising Feature: This podcast is from a partner and was not produced by GreenState.
Welcome to the Green Rush, a KCSA Strategic Communications Production, a weekly conversation at the intersection of cannabis, psychedelics, the capital markets, and culture.
This week’s episode is a crossover roundtable event with our friends at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), covering the DEA’s proposed rescheduling of cannabis from Schedule I to a Schedule III drug. Hosted by our very own Anne Donohoe, the Q&A discussion also features Betty Aldworth, Director of Communications & Post-Prohibition Strategy at MAPS, Karen O’Keefe, Director of State Policies at Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) and Paul Armentano, Deputy Director at NORML.
With the unprecedented federal drug policy change on the near horizon, MAPS assembled leaders with more than 50 years of combined experience in the cannabis policy reform movement to talk about what these changes are, why they matter, what myths need debunking, and what still needs to be done. Some of the topics covered in this conversation include the impact rescheduling will have on research and development of cannabis-based medicines, criminal law and systems-impacted people, cannabis banking and interstate commerce, and veteran affairs.
If you are interested in learning more about how MAPS, MPP, or NORML have played pivotal roles in implementing drug policy reform over the decades, be sure to follow them all on their socials linked in our show notes and visit their websites to follow their advocacy work.
So, sit back and enjoy this crossover Q&A discussion on the future of cannabis drug policy.
Links and mentions in the show
Links to the guest’s company and social media accounts
- Betty Aldworth LinkedIn:
- Karen O’Keefe LinkedIn:
- NORML LinkedIn:
- MPP Twitter:
- NORML Twitter:
- MAPS Twitter:
Show Credits:
This episode was hosted by Anne Donohoe of KCSA Strategic Communications.
Special thanks to our Program Director, Shea Gunther, and to the MAPS team.
You can learn more about how KCSA can help your cannabis and psychedelic companies by visiting or emailing You can also connect with us via our social channels:
Instagram: @KCSAPodcastLabs
An Advertising Feature means this post did not originate from the newsroom but rather was inspired by the sales department. It is not a paid post, but the sales team and their clients may benefit from increased readership of this relevant content.