Green Rush Podcast: Ian Dominguez, Delta Emerald Ventures

ian dominguez

Advertising Feature: This podcast is from a partner and was not produced by GreenState.

Welcome to The Green Rush, a podcast about the intersection of cannabis, the capital markets, and culture. On a weekly basis, hosts Anne Donohoe and Phil Carlson of KCSA Strategic Communications speak with the business leaders, financial experts, cultural icons, legislators, and generally interesting people moving the cannabis and psychedelics industries forward.

This week, hosts Anne and Phil speak with Ian Dominguez, founder and CIO of Delta Emerald Ventures, a leader in intelligent cannabis investing and industry insight. Ian joins Anne and Phil to talk about the booming market in hemp-derived products, including the growing drinks category, industry consolidation, and the conditions that led him to start up CannaDataCon, a conference focusing on the intersection of legal cannabis and good data strategy. 

If you would like to learn more about Ian and his work with Delta Emerald, make sure to check out the links in our show notes and to follow Ian and Delta Emerald on all the right social media platforms. 

So sit back and enjoy our conversation with Ian Dominguez, founder and CIO of Delta Emerald Ventures!

Links and mentions in the show

Links to the guest’s company and social media accounts

Show Credits:

This episode was hosted by Anne Donohoe and Phil Carlson of KCSA Strategic Communications. 

Special thanks to our Program Director Shea Gunther.

You can learn more about how KCSA can help your cannabis and psychedelic companies by visiting or emailing You can also connect with us via our social channels:

X: @KCSAPodcastLabs

Instagram: @KCSAPodcastLabs


An Advertising Feature means this post did not originate from the newsroom but rather was inspired by the sales department. It is not a paid post, but the sales team and their clients may benefit from increased readership of this relevant content.


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