Who benefits from cannabis delivery? Honestly, almost everyone

There’s a common phrase from economic theory, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” In economics, it implies that broad policy will help those at various wealth levels. But as for my recent thoughts, it has been something top of mind when considering accessibility.
The term accessibility means to be easily accessed, entered, or used. It has become a common term in disability rights movements. People who use mobility aids and seek to enter buildings without a ramp are in need of accessibility. And although accessibility is a common topic in disability groups and spaces, it applies to a larger population.
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If a building had a ramp or convenient street-level access, people who use wheelchairs would benefit just as much as a parent pushing a stroller or traveler with a large rolling suitcase. Lately, this is what I ponder as I consider all boats being lifted with a rising tide.
Changing the status quo could benefit one person or group. That doesn’t mean everyone wouldn’t be leading a more effective, comfortable life if those accommodations became the norm. This is a thought that could impact many industries, cannabis included.
Where does the cannabis industry come in?
The cannabis industry has its accessibility issues. Certain packaging can be impossible to open for people with low hand mobility, mylar bags often require scissors or two hands. A lack of product standardization can be complex for neurodivergent people and navigating dispensaries isn’t always simple for low vision or deaf individuals. There are points to be addressed across the board. One prominent way to make the plant more accessible is by allowing regulated delivery.
Cannabis delivery is often from a retail dispensary, though there are also full-delivery services that don’t have a brick-and-mortar store. This will often depend on the state laws. Services will either have a delivery minimum, a delivery fee, or both. Some, but not all, will deliver to hotels. It’s not uncommon that delivery is cash only, but there are digital payment options at some locations.
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These services are handy for weary, car-less tourists who want to enjoy the locally grown cheeba. They also benefit someone with an auto-immune disease in the middle of a flare-up. Let’s not forget the parent who can’t bring a kiddo into a dispensary. Both medical and adult-use cannabis consumers can find value in delivery. A rising tide lifts all boats.
More than ten states offer cannabis delivery. That means more than ten do not. I happen to live in one of those ten states where a brick-and-mortar store is the only option. Not having access to delivery while being a parent has meant that I need to get a babysitter to pick up cannabis, or wait until after bedtime on nights my husband is home.
This has given me a peek into just how helpful delivery could be in this state. And we haven’t even talked about the rise in sales from having more retail touchpoints. But we can cover that another day.
For now, I challenge readers to consider how cannabis delivery is (or could) impact the industry and consumers in the state. Policy change, especially at local levels, can start with the citizens that live there. Look at the cannabis industry itself: it was born of citizen-backed initiatives. Why should delivery access be any different?