Is mommy wine culture becoming a thing of the past?

From “Wine down Wednesdays” to “Mommy’s happy juice” and more expressions, mommy wine culture has been portrayed as the key to solving all mothers’ problems. Stressed? Have a glass of merlot. Headed to your kid’s soccer game? Bring a water bottle full of chardonnay to the field.
Trust me, I get the hype. Just a few years back, I had newborn twins and suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety. To cope, I was heavily reliant on alcohol. And I’ll be the first to say alcohol didn’t end my troubles. In fact, it exacerbated them.
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I knew something needed to change, but I couldn’t just quit alcohol cold turkey. It was the only thing that calmed my brain and eased my social anxiety since the age of 14—although now I recognize it ultimately fueled my issues.
So, I gradually introduced cannabis into my routine. A small amount of an edible or a beverage helped calm my nervous system without impairing my brain or numbing my thoughts. And I got to wondering, do other moms feel the same way about alcohol as I do? Are we all swept up in the mommy wine culture lifestyle simply because it’s popular?
Upon further research, I found that one in three women over 21 years old consume cannabis. Many of them are keeping it a secret from family and friends out of fear of judgment. According to the same FlowHub stats, “the top three reasons women use cannabis is to relieve anxiety (60 percent), help them sleep (58 percent), and relieve pain (53 percent).”
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This got me thinking. If so many women are now consuming cannabis on a regular basis—many choosing cannabis beverages over alcohol—does this mean mommy wine culture will become a thing of the past? Or will this movement towards cannabis provide an alternative path for moms who wish to relieve their stress with healthier substances?
This is the basis of the Cali Sober Mom Movement.
What is the Cali Sober Mom Movement?
First, let’s define what it means to be “Cali Sober.” Being Cali Sober is a lifestyle choice to refrain from taking any substance, including alcohol, with the exception of cannabis. But let me be clear: this movement isn’t only about swapping your choice of substances. It’s about finding healthier ways to cope with stress and anxiety. For mothers, in particular, the Cali Sober Mom movement is about finding healthy alternatives to better deal with the stresses of motherhood.
Yet, many people still hold stigmas around cannabis use and don’t feel comfortable discussing it openly. This is especially true for moms as they fear repercussions at work or facing harsh judgment from peers and family members.
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Think about this. Who do you think would face more backlash: the mom sipping wine while pushing her daughter on the swing or the mom sipping a cannabis beverage while watching her child go down the slide? Mothers should not have to explain why they’re drinking cannabis beverages. It should be just as normal as having a glass of wine.
It’s because of this stigma that led to the creation of the Cali Sober Mom community, where moms and all people can safely learn about the benefits of cannabis and ask questions without scrutiny. The goal of the community is to connect people and educate them about the importance of cannabis and hemp beyond individual use.
After all, real change will only happen when the general public supports cannabis and hemp, influencing policymakers to take action. Just as we’ve been seeing with the recent news of the possibility of reclassifying cannabis to a Schedule III substance. The Cali Sober Mom movement aims to be a safe space for education and connection while also driving a larger movement that influences political and policy decisions.
Cannabis beverages vs. alcohol
So the secret is out: More moms are gravitating towards cannabis beverages instead of traditional wine after a long day. And there are a dozen reasons why.
First, people are realizing that alcohol doesn’t help us unwind or solve our problems. Yet, many people are finding out that cannabis-infused beverages help them relax without the 250 calories per glass that come with wine.
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For me, personally, wine would mess with my blood sugar, leading to cravings for junk food. Without those blood sugar fluctuations, I now crave healthier foods. Switching to cannabis has not only helped me unwind but also improved my overall health. I’ve lost 40 pounds, my skin looks better, and I don’t experience morning hangovers or memory loss. Even my relationship with my husband has improved because we don’t fight as much.
Focusing on mental health, alcohol is linked to increased anxiety and depression. Many women are also discovering undiagnosed ADHD, which is exacerbated by alcohol. In my case, undiagnosed ADHD was worsened by drinking, fueling my mental health issues. Cannabis allows me to relax my nervous system without worsening these mental effects.
Tips for canna-curious moms
- Start low and slow. There are great cannabis-infused beverages that have 2.5 mg per can. Typically, within 15 minutes, you’ll start to feel the effect, and the buzz will be gone in about 90 minutes or so. So have one, and see how you feel before drinking too many at a time.
- Stack up the feeling you want. This means having one drink, sitting in the feeling for a while, and then, once you’re comfortable, having another, if you desire. This way, you can stack on more milligrams at a pace that suits you. Stacking will also help you learn your ideal dosage.
- Make sure you get your beverages or other cannabis products from a trusted or reputable health and wellness source. I always encourage the canna-curious to lean into the expertise of a store’s staff, ask questions about other ingredients that may contribute to the effects of a product one is interested in, and triple-check a product’s dosage to avoid an unpleasant experience. The way most moms can walk into a store and confidently choose a bottle of wine or liquor should be the same way they are able to pick up the right cannabis-infused product.
- If you plan to check out some brands online, take the time to read the resources they make available to you on their website to make sure you’re ordering what you’re actually looking for. A few of my personal favorites in regards to flavor are Louie Louie (the blackberry lemon flavor is my go-to choice), Cali Sober, and Crescent Canna.
Is the rise in popularity of cannabis beverages signaling the beginning of the end for Mommy Wine Clubs?
Short answer: of course not. And I wouldn’t really want it to. I personally still want to hang out with people who drink wine or whatever type of alcohol they prefer. I’m down to come to Wine Wednesday or to the neighborhood wine club.
RELATED: Celebrating moms who mindfully consume cannabis
However, the rise in popularity of cannabis beverages can make the Mommy Wine Club all the more inclusive and unite more mothers. When women come together in a positive space, we can achieve amazing things. I believe cannabis drinks could transform mommy wine culture into a broader, more empowering movement.
*This article was submitted by a guest contributor. The author is solely responsible for its contents.