Incorporating cannabis into daily life is easy with these tips


Knowing I’m a dad, husband, and business owner, people don’t immediately assume I consume cannabis. And when they realize I do, they typically don’t think I use cannabis as a way to improve my personal wellness. It’s time to end the stigma about cannabis use and to recognize and advocate for implementing cannabis into regular wellness regimens.

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In this article, I’ll detail various ways you can incorporate cannabis into your wellness routines to help you improve your quality of life. Whether you want to better manage your stress or establish a balance between work, family, and personal wellness, this article has you covered. But first, let’s debunk the common misconceptions about cannabis use and wellness.

Common misconceptions about cannabis use and wellness

I often hear concerns from the canna-curious (people interested in trying cannabis products for either the first time or after years of non-consumption) that cannabis is going to make them sleepy or give them the munchies. The truth is, there are so many products—flower, pre-rolls, vapes, and edibles—and different strains out there that you can dial in what you consume relative to what you’re trying to achieve.

For example, during the day, if you need to be more alert, I recommend leaning toward a sativa strain that may have some citrus flavors to give you a bit more energy. Whereas in the evening, I recommend an indica strain that may consist of some berry or cherry flavors to help you unwind and relax.

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Another thing I hear people talk about is the fear that they will have a negative experience. I will be the first to say it’s definitely possible to consume too much cannabis, and that experience could ruin the plant for some. But when you’re looking to use cannabis for its wellness benefits, there are specific cannabis products that can help, let’s say, if you’re struggling to sleep or have anxiety. If you’re open to trying it for the first time or trying it again, talk to a local dispensary associate so they can guide you in the right direction.  

Add cannabis into your daily routine to support your physical and mental wellness

Now, when I say “daily,” I don’t suggest I’m high all day, every day. And I don’t suggest you do that either. But there are some days when I like to incorporate cannabis into my daily wellness regimen. 

In fact, on some mornings, I like to take a microdose of an edible—usually around 2.5 to 5 milligrams—before starting a kettlebell workout or doing a sauna session with stretching and mobility work. I recommend taking edibles to improve and dial in your workouts because they can act quickly and enhance focus. 

RELATED: Does cannabis help or hurt your workout?

Plus, cannabis helps me become more in tune with my body, especially when it comes to my breathing. This enhanced focus helps to create a stronger mind-muscle connection. Not to mention, cannabis also aids in muscle recovery, which is great after a hard workout.

Then, in the evenings, my wife and I wind down by smoking some flower from Maine or our favorite pre-rolls from Massachusetts to unwind and relax after a long day. This also helps with getting a restful sleep and reducing stress. Another great product for better sleep is nighttime indica-based gummies. 

Recommendations for incorporating cannabis into your wellness regimen 

When starting out, go low and slow. That means start with a low dose and wait a while before taking any more and see how you feel. Also, don’t consume cannabis on an empty stomach, as the effects may hit you harder than expected. And if it starts to feel like too much, whether smoking or taking edibles, stop to be safe. It’s important to know your limits, especially before a workout. The key is to listen to your body.

I see cannabis as an enhancer, and while it can be positive, it depends a lot on your mindset and environment. When people have a bad experience with cannabis, it’s often not about what they consumed but where they were or how they felt at the time. For instance, consuming cannabis at a nightclub is a wildly different experience than doing so in a comfortable, safe environment like your own backyard.

How to balance work, family, and personal wellness with cannabis

As a dad, business owner, and husband, I believe cannabis enhances my natural compassion and empathy. Cannabis helps me become more present in the workplace, of course, but especially with my daughter. When we’re coloring or watching her favorite movies like “The Lion King” or “Monsters, Inc.”, a small dose of edibles makes the experience even more enjoyable. It helps me stay in the moment and be more open, receptive, and connected with her.

One important thing you need to consider when consuming cannabis as a parent is properly educating your children on the plant at the appropriate age—don’t hide it. I recommend an open and honest approach, explaining that cannabis is a plant that comes in different forms and is meant for adult use. It’s critical to let them know there are psychoactive effects that aren’t suitable for children. 

RELATED: Gentle parenting and cannabis – a match made in heaven

And when your kids are of age, let them know that you’ll support them in making informed decisions about cannabis consumption. The goal is for them to feel comfortable talking to you about it so you can have meaningful conversations together.

I’d also recommend seeking out resources to help guide these discussions. Do your homework—talk to others, including your own parents, about how they approached these conversations, and explore what might work best for your family. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but there are plenty of resources to help.

Brendan McKee Brendan McKee is the Co-Founder, CFO & COO of Silver Therapeutics, New England’s premier cannabis curator and multi-state operator. As an avid consumer and advocate of cannabis for over 20 years, Brendan entered the legal cannabis market in 2017 with a vertical medical license and transitioned to adult use sales in 2019. He opened and operated one of the first adult use dispensaries in Massachusetts and has since opened Silver Therapeutics dispensary locations across Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont.