Texas AG Commissioner in favor of medical marijuana for toothaches, other conditions, he says

Medical marijuana isn’t legal for all medical conditions, but there’s hope for some in Texas,

On Thursday Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller toured Compassionate Cultivation in Austin, one of the only three locations licensed to grow marijuana for medicinal use in Texas. Afterward Miller said he is in favor of expanding the limited use of the cannabis.

“I would certainly expand medical marijuana. If it’ll help somebody, I’m for it,” he said, as reported by KXAN-TV’s Wes Rapaport. “Whatever it is. I mean, a toothache, I don’t care. If it’s a cure, if it [alleviates] pain, we should be able to use that.”

RELATED: Bexar County begins cite and release policy for marijuana

Following a bill that was signed into law last year, only low-THC cannabis-.5 percent to be exact-can be prescribed to treat certain conditions, including multiple and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, terminal cancer and autism.

Following his tour, Miller seemed open to expanding the plant’s usage to treating other conditions.

“If someone has a condition that this chemical will help, they should be able to use it,” he said.

Are you in favor of state officials expanding the limited use of medical marijuana?

ShaCamree Gowdy

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