Feds subpoena Boston’s marijuana contract records

BOSTON (AP) — Federal authorities are investigating Boston’s contracts and payments with marijuana companies as part of a statewide probe.

The Boston Globe reports a federal grand jury has subpoenaed the city for records of interactions between local officials and marijuana company representatives.

City and federal officials declined to comment, citing grand jury confidentiality requirements.

The subpoena is part of U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling’s wide-ranging investigation into public corruption in the nascent legal marijuana industry.

Brookline and other Massachusetts communities confirm Lelling’s office has issued them similar subpoenas seeking information about host community agreements with marijuana companies.

Firms must secure an agreement with the community they plan to operate in before seeking a state license.

But critics say local officials often demand more money than allowed under state law in the financial deals.


Information from: The Boston Globe, http://www.bostonglobe.com

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