Cannabis reform could be in peril after latest DEA announcement

Advocates on both sides of the cannabis reform issue have been waiting with bated breath as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) mulls moving marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III. Many predicted a decision would come before the November election, especially as Vice President Kamala Harris touts the Biden administration’s work on the subject. However, a hearing scheduled by the DEA for December 2nd means rescheduling will likely not happen this year—or at all.
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The hearing is an extra procedural step many hoped would be skipped. Given the high-profile nature of the rescheduling process, the government likely wants more expert opinions to submit testimony. The DEA has already concluded its 60-day public comment period, with over 40,000 Americans submitting their thoughts on the subject (most of which were in favor of reform).
“DEA received numerous requests for a hearing,” the agency wrote in their announcement. “The purpose of the hearing is to ‘receiv[e] factual evidence and expert opinion regarding’ whether marijuana should be transferred to schedule III of the list of controlled substances.”
The hearing filing also notes that interested parties have 30 days to submit a notice of intent should they wish to testify. DEA Administrator Anne Milgram, who signed the notice, will review all filings to decide who participates. Milgram will also assign a presiding officer to oversee the hearing procedure.
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While the DEA hearing is considered par for the course, many cannabis activists believe the move could derail reform altogether—depending on the outcome of the election. Harris has made her pro-reform stance known, while her running mate Tim Walz is passionately pro-pot. On the other hand, it’s unclear whether former President Donald Trump would support rescheduling, and some worry he could stifle the process should he win in November.
The path to rescheduling has already been long and arduous, and the DEA hearing will likely only prolong the process. Despite many hoping that President Biden’s instruction for the government to move quickly on the matter would lead to progress, nothing ever happens fast in American politics—and pot is no different.