What Is CBD? Everything You Need to Know

what is cbd

It’s undoubtedly the most popular cannabis extract: around one in seven Americans use CBD products, but what are these products? What is CBD and why do people use it?

In this guide, we’re going to take a look at CBD and what it’s used for. We’ll answer some of the most common questions that people have about this cannabis extract and look at whether it’s right for you.

Are you ready to learn more? Then read on!

What Is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, and it’s a chemical that’s found in cannabis and hemp plants. CBD first came into the public eye around a decade ago with the case of Charlotte Figi. However, since then, the market has diversified to a dramatic degree.

You can find CBD in a huge range of products, including oils, balms, vape liquids, tinctures, and gummies. Each of these products is absorbed slightly differently and will produce different effects.

Does CBD Work?

CBD product manufacturers shouldn’t make any claims that aren’t backed with evidence, which means that you should avoid any companies that do.

However, despite a lack of scientific evidence, there’s quite a lot of anecdotal evidence around, which you can find online. If this persuades you to try CBD, then there’s no reason not to.

What Is CBD Used for?

Despite the lack of firm scientific evidence, CBD is used by people to help with a wide variety of issues. Some of these include chronic pain, anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia.

Is All CBD the Same?

Not at all. There is some debate around which is the best CBD oil, but it will likely depend on your specific requirements. The main types of CBD include:

  1. Full-spectrum CBD products, which contain a range of other cannabinoids including THC
  2. Broad-spectrum CBD which contains other cannabinoids but not THC
  3. CBD isolate, which is pure CBD

Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?

While CBD won’t get you high, it might still show up on a drug test. This is because CBD is found in cannabis, so it may show as marijuana on a drug test.

Are There Any Interactions With Other Medicines?

While CBD doesn’t seem to have many interactions with medicines, it’s likely to interact with some. This means that if you’re taking medication and would like to start using CBD, you should speak to your doctor.

Your CBD Questions: Answered

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this look at common CBD questions, including the essential “what is CBD?” If you’re interested in using CBD, make sure that you buy quality products and speak to your doctor before using it.

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