What Are the Most Common Types of CBD Products?

The market for CBD products is expected to triple between 2018 and 2022.  As CBD products become legalized and widely accepted, more people are realizing the benefits of CBD. It’s been shown to help people with anxiety, depression, insomnia, arthritis, and so much more.

When you’re first starting out with CBD products, you can easily get overwhelmed by the number of brands and types of CBD products.

Put your overwhelm aside and keep reading because we’re covering the most common types of CBD products.


You can find CBD in almost anything these days. One of the more popular categories of CBD products is edibles. Edibles can be defined as a CBD product that you can eat or drink.

There are sodas that are infused with CBD, chocolates, gummies, honey, and so many other consumable foods. If you can think of it, there’s a CBD product for it.

Edibles are popular because they’re so easy to consume and enjoyable for most people. This is where many people begin their CBD journey.


CBD oils are directly derived from the cannabis plant. People may choose to buy CBD oil because you can take it in a variety of ways. You can add it to a drink or food.

Many people will use CBD oil as a tincture, where you place a little of the oil under your tongue and hold it there for a minute or two.

Some companies that sell CBD oil will infuse the oil with different ingredients, like herbs or flowers, to give CBD oil a unique flavor. This guide has an in-depth look at CBD oil and how to choose the best CBD oil.


Lotions are widely available for people who want to relieve pain in specific areas. For example, people with arthritis frequently turn to CBD lotions for sore joints. Fitness junkies will apply CBD lotion to sore muscles and lower inflammation.


There is another type of CBD oil, and it’s not to be confused with the type of CBD oil that you can consume. CBD oils are made specifically for vaping.

Vaping is preferred by many CBD users because they claim to feel the effects almost immediately. With CBD edibles, you may have to wait an hour or so to get relief.

What Dosage Do You Need?

As you venture into the land of CBD, you’ll need to know what the right dosage is for you. There are some variables at play, such as your weight, what you need CBD for, and how you’ll take CBD.

To make it more confusing, everyone responds to CBD differently. This article offers guidance to find the right CBD dosage.

The Many Types of CBD Products

CBD is a natural product to turn to if you want to relieve pain and emotional distress. You no longer need to get overloaded by the types of CBD products on the market.

Choosing the right forms of CBD will take a bit of trial and error. Once you find the right product and brand, though, you’ll know right away.

Do you need to use CBD to help you sleep? Check out this article that tells you about the research behind CBD and sleep.




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