8 Must-Have Apps for Cannabis Entrepreneurs
In an app-happy world, it should come as no surprise that there are thousands devoted to cannabis. (There’s even a Tinder equivalent for tokers.) But what are the mobile applications that should be on every ganjapreneur’s smartphone? Here’s a list of seven apps worth downloading today.
A true OG of the industry, Weedmaps was one of the first to offer reliable information on where to get the goods, be it at medical or recreational dispensaries or through delivery services. But Weedmaps has evolved beyond its reputation as just a “Yelp for pot.” The handy “Brands” tab allows the user to browse through products, giving breakdowns on where to buy, price, and the THC percentage. Weedmaps also offers social forums and sections such as “Weedmaps TV,” “Learn,” and “News” to help keep you informed. Download
Similar to Weedmaps, Leafly is a large cannabis website and mobile app that allows users to rate and review different strains of cannabis, and cannabis and CBD dispensaries. Its strain explorer feature is particularly impressive, featuring more than 3,100 cannabis strains with names like ’98 Aloha White Widow and 2 Fast 2 Vast. Click on the strain to find out its effects, read reviews, and discover where it’s sold. The app also allows you to match your desired mood with the right strain. Leafly recently released a feature that encapsulates the latest research and flavor/effect profiles based off terpenes and cannabinoids. For entrepreneurs who touch the plant, there is no greater database of weed information available for free. Download
Green Entrepreneur
What app list would be complete without a nod to our very own homegrown? True to its name, Green Entrepreneur is targeted at both small- and large-business owners, and to the canna-biz curious. The app allows readers to scroll through its vast content offerings, including breaking news, trends and insights, thought-leader essays, podcast episodes, and videos. Popular topics include starting a business, growth strategies, marketing, raising money, and, of course, inspiring success stories. Download
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A must-have for the professional marijuana grower, Trym’s Grow App allows cultivators to monitor their grow, manage their team, and track their plants, all in real time from a smartphone. As a bonus, the Explore App gives you analytics using data collected from sensors and the Grow App. Both of these apps allow farmers to create and track tasks for their entire team, create plant batches, and optimize workflow according to facility, room, or strain. Download
Go Fire
Lets consumers find the best plant-based medicine products available in their area to treat specific ailments based on product reviews from others in the Gofire Community. The Gofire App can be used to dose and track edibles, tinctures and topicals – and when paired with the Gofire Inhaler, can be used to dose and track concentrates in 2.5 mg increments. When users complete ratings and reviews on the products used, their anonymous data helps guide others in the community toward the alternative medicines that will work best for them. In addition to helping consumers find their products, all this user-generated data provides a valuable resource for product manufacturers to see how products are being used (and for what reasons), enabling them to refine and perfect products based on real-world experiences. Download
Related: Yes, Medical Cannabis Works. So Why Deny the Anecdotal Evidence?
Best in Grow
Designed for cannabis retailers and brands, Best in Grow promises to “provide today’s cannabis pioneers with the most effective, efficient, and easy-to-use organizational tools modern technology can provide.” The app does a bunch of different things, including scheduling, task management, compliance updates, and training. It’s also a good communication tool, with timelines, news feeds, and chat features very similar to what you would find on Twitter or Facebook. Download
If you don’t have your company’s profile up on LinkedIn, drop everything and do it now. Unlike other social platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, which are consumer-facing and enforce all sorts of regulations on cannabis content, LinkedIn is a B2B platform and seems to take a more liberal approach, at least when it comes to promoting your canna-business. Think of LinkedIn as virtual business card. You can use it to network and to learn about interesting trends and insights. If you live in a nonlegal state or can’t afford to go to the conventions in legal states, LinkedIn is a good alternative. Join the many cannabis industry groups, like Cannabis Investors & Entrepreneurs (19,840-plus members!) and Industrial Hemp and CBD, to keep track of who’s who and what’s what. Download
The app lets you grow your own virtual weed in a 3-D, gamelike environment. This is a lot less expensive and frustrating than the real thing and also serves as great practice for those thinking about getting into the growing game. Even if you’re not interested in cannabis cultivation as a profession, the simulated experience of nurturing a marijuana plant from seed to flower gives you unique insight into the life cycle of this mysterious plant. Download
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