Weed apps that help consumers, empower patients, and connect friends

Cannabis technology and weed apps come in many forms. There’s consumption tech with brands like Puffco and Storz & Bickel leading the way, and there’s agriculture tech helping farmers grow their best buds. All sectors of cannabis tech seems to congregate in one place: the app store.
This year, the winner of the Boston University Cannabis Start-Up Competition was a weed app aiming to connect new smoking buddies. Think 420-friendly Bumble for Friends. With this new innovation making headlines, it sparked curiosity as to what’s already cooking in the app stores.
For an accurate gauge of cannabis tech, GreenState downloaded many of the apps that populate under the search term ‘cannabis.’ Here are the highlights.
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Ganja game weed apps
There are lots of strategy games centered around growing, manufacturing, and selling cannabis. Hempire was one of the first, and now Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm, Weed Firm: RePlanted, Bud Farm, Cheech and Chong Bud Farm, Idle Weed Inc, Weed Growing: Bud Farm Game, Bud Farm: Idle Tycoon Game, and more have joined it in the app store.
Stoner socials
Getting together with friends and passing a joint is a favorite pastime for many, but oftentimes, as people grow older, the sesh grows smaller. Making new cannabis buddies can be hard, but some social weed apps hope to change that.
This app was launched by a media company that can be hired on to launch tailored edibles alongside video games, movies, and music events. The social media app builds on the momentum of the edible collaboration, allowing people to post photos and videos of their experience with the edibles. Based on the explore page, not many people may be currently active on the platform.
Buddy Jane
There are some very active users on Buddy Jane, though the platform doesn’t have a huge base of content. Combining store locator tech with social media features, this app is a place to connect with friends and a new plug.
CanMar is one of the newest apps focused on building community in cannabis. The app has a familiar social media feel, offering users the chance to share their thoughts, learn more about the plant, and even secure a job in the industry. So far, there are over 1,000 users, with more joining every day.
Join groups, create content, and connect with fellow enthusiasts on CannaBuzz. This cannabis social platform isn’t free, though. Pay $4.20 monthly for access to the lowest tier and up to $14.99 per month for all access.
High There
Promoting connection, High There prompts users to select why they’re using the app right off the bat. Choose one or all of the options including Dating, Memes, and Reviews, and then select preferred consumption methods.
The platform is pretty active; fresh posts and recent conversations are going down in the chatrooms. There is a section for information featuring stories from Cannigma and the Last Prisoner Project. This is one of the most relevant cannabis social apps available right now based on user activity.
There are premium access features for those who choose to pay, but WeSmoke is available to everyone. However, it isn’t the most active weed social media. Some businesses and event promoters are sharing there, but engagement is minimal. Additionally, there hasn’t been a new update to the Learning Center, a space for dynamic cannabis education, in about eight months.

Strain & product identification weed apps
With pheno hunting and ever-changing dispensary menus, it can be difficult to find products on some trips to the store. These apps can help identify strains, though not all of them are up to date.
Leafly & Weedmaps
Anyone familiar with the websites of these cannabis information giants will feel at home in their app offerings. Both Leafly and Weedmaps have apps available with all of the strains, dispensaries, and recommendations people have come to love from their websites. Those who prefer to have everything sitting right on their home screen will enjoy these weed apps. Otherwise, the experience won’t differ much from the website.
Strain Guide
Strain Guide could be better organized with a more intuitive user experience. Images of nugs sit beneath categories such as ‘Popular Strains’ and ‘May help with anxiety’ in this app that categorizes and explains a swath of cannabis varieties.
A quick look at the interface reveals that the cannabis photos aren’t necessarily the strain listed, as some are repeated for multiple genetics. If reviews are to be trusted, it’s possible this app simply pulls information from Leafly and may have fallen off after the initial launch.
One comment in the Android app store reads, “Cannot search for classic strains. Cannot refine search alphabetically. Now it’s time-consuming and there is misinformation about stains’ genetics and classification.”
This cannabis strain guide app may be out of date. Upon first look, the app has detailed and organized information about popular varieties. However, when looking into the company, social media hasn’t been updated since June 2020. There also hasn’t been an update in three years, indicating there may not be one. That’s unfortunate because reviews show that without the ability to add more strains, the app is obsolete.
Consumption journal weed apps
Keeping a consumption journal is one of the best ways to choose the right strain for any given situation. While some might prefer a Goldleaf journal, there’s also an app for that.
Sesh in real time on Releaf, tracking symptoms with specific strains and products. This cannabis consumption journal and app doesn’t have an extensive list of cannabis dispensaries and products in every state, but it does feature interest in tech.
Record a live session, pressing a button for each puff and then indicating how the symptoms are progressing or relieving with each inhale. This could be a game changer in terms of anecdotal evidence and for mapping overconsumption.
When it comes to consumption journal apps, Highness gives the most basic features. Record strains and select up to three feelings to coordinate with the experience of smoking, vaping, or dabbing the strain. This one doesn’t account for edibles or other products that may not be strain-related.
Once five sessions are banked in Highness, it will start tracking stats by strain and by mood to easily see which products would inspire what feelings.
As a well-being app, it Jointly maps the user experience with cannabis using self-reporting surveys and prompting goal-setting for sessions. The mindful approach to cannabis consumption is appreciated, marking the movement towards cannabis as a wellness tool rather than a party partner.
Jointly integrates sessions to map how products work for individuals. It also tracks consumption factors like the most used device, time between sessions, where people toke most, and more. This tool may be valuable to patients and adult-use consumers who want to understand which products work best for them.
This is a minor portion of the cannabis app store offerings currently available for Apple and Android devices, though Apple has removed weed apps from the store before. The post doesn’t even breach platforms and tools meant for cultivators and hobby growers, maybe we’ll save that for another day.
In the meantime, those looking to cultivate an imaginary cannabis empire, meet fellow stoners from around the world, or map consumption on their mobile devices have a bounty of apps to choose from.