Three steps to throwing a cannabis-themed holiday party, tastefully

The holidays are right around the corner. Why not make them extra festive with cannabis?
If you live in a state where cannabis is legal, it may feel weird to bar your cannabis-enthusiast friends from lighting up during holiday festivities. But how do you serve cannabis at a holiday party and not make it weird? And what precautions should you take to be sure it gets into the right hands?
Incorporating cannabis products into your holiday celebrations can be fun when done right. We came up with a few ideas to get you started preparing a tasteful, responsible, cannabis-infused feast.
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1. Serve up some green cocktails
A cannabis-infused cocktail is a great way to kick off a gathering or wind down after a jam-packed holiday party.
Remember, cocktails don’t have to contain alcohol. In fact, if you’re adding cannabis to a drink, it’s wise to add it to mocktails since the effects of cannabis combined with alcohol have not been widely researched at this time.
Get creative! You can tweak many recipes according to the tastes and preferences of your guests.
To be sure everyone is happy, start by making a traditional cocktail or mocktail and give participants the option to infuse their drink.
2. Offer “high”-quality cookies
An easy way to make your holiday party stand out is by serving cannabis cookies at your holiday gathering. You can take any cookie recipe and add some cannabutter to it. Or, infuse deserts with CBD to treat your guests to the relaxing effects of cannabis without the high.
Then, avoid disaster by taking the time to label which cookies have a little added something.
Feeling extra creative? Draw a small cannabis leaf with icing on your cookies to signal which batch is cannabis-infused. Little touches like this will make your holiday party one your guests are sure to remember.
For a more exotic menu, see our roundup of cannabis-infused Thanksgiving recipes.
RELATED: Can employers serve cannabis at office parties and corporate events?
3. Set the mood with cannabis candles and décor
Light cannabis-infused candles around your home for a sweet scent and calming atmosphere. Cannabis candles certainly won’t get you high, but they are a fun conversation starter and many users report they smell great.
Also, bear in mind that today’s cannabis product packaging is often attractive and festive, and can be used as part of your holiday decorations. You could treat your guests to gift bags filled with cannabis products wrapped in holiday-themed packaging, or sprinkle buds around your holiday table along with more classic holiday greenery.
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A word of caution on serving cannabis
Serving cannabis at a holiday party is a great way to bring on holiday cheer. But, like when you serve alcohol at a party, you need to think about being a responsible host.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when serving cannabis:
- Don’t assume everyone who comes to your party will want to consume cannabis, even if they are regular cannabis consumers. To show respect to all your guests and their preferences, offer a variety of treats – both cannabis-infused and not. Also, remember to label all items that are cannabis-infused to avoid confusion.
- Remember, mocktails are a great way to generate the festive feel of a cocktail without including alcohol. Since very little research has been done on the health implications of consuming cannabis and alcohol simultaneously, it’s wise to infuse cannabis into mocktails only, and leave the alcohol to those who will not be consuming cannabis.
- Be sure your guests who are new to cannabis are aware that edible cannabis products can take a while to “kick in.” After consuming a cannabis-infused cookie or cocktail, you may not feel the psychoactive effects of the THC for up to two hours after you consumed it. For newbies, you may want to recommend that they start with a low dose (half of a cookie, for example) and consume more as desired to protect them from the adverse effects that can come from consuming large quantities of cannabis with a low THC tolerance.
- Consider where your party is located. Most companies do not allow cannabis to be served at workplace events, even if the company is based in a state where cannabis is legal. Additionally, cannabis consumption is usually not allowed in public places and is always illegal on federal property, such as national parks. For these reasons, the safest option is to keep your cannabis fun at home.
- Save your ingredients. Quality cannabis products will have their ingredients listed on their label or online. Make sure you know where to find the ingredients for every cannabis product you serve. This way, you can easily show your guests what went into the products they are consuming if asked.
The holidays should be a time of celebration. Offering cannabis at your holiday party is an easy way to relax and have fun during what can be a stressful season for many people. If served tastefully and responsibly, it’s sure to put a smile on the faces of the cannabis enthusiasts in your life.