Learn how to speak the stoner love languages

The season of love has arrived, and partners everywhere are celebrating. Weed-loving couples are surely planning cannabis-centric dates for Valentine’s Day, or buying weed products fit for the occasion. But do they know the stoner love languages? After the pink cloud of the holiday floats on, cannabis can continue playing a part in partnerships.
Partners should know how their person shows and receives love, some call this their love language. The concept is all the rage, with regular mentions on dating profiles and in the group chat. Those who consume cannabis open up a whole new world of love languages for their partners.
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The Stoner Love Languages
Roll one up
Arriving at a date’s house can be exciting. It’s fun to see how someone decorates or how well-appointed their kitchen is. But getting to a lover’s home and seeing a fresh one rolled up just for you is next level. Those who want to show some love might consider having a few joints at the ready for their date–extra points if you roll them yourself.
Grabbing your favorite just because
It feels good to be truly seen by someone, especially a romantic partner. One way to show you’re listening is to surprise that special someone with their favorite strain just because you saw it at the weed shop. This shows that you know what they like and that you’re willing to grab a little treat just because–two ways straight to people’s hearts.
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Quality high time
Lots of people show love by spending quality time together. Those who enjoy weed know that a high time can be the most fun. Smoking on the same strain or popping gummies together and chatting, watching a movie, or playing a board game can lead to a giggle-filled evening. Showing love is sometimes about being present with one another, and cannabis can help facilitate that.
Appointing the house
Everyone has their preferred consumption method, and couples often reach for different weed devices when it’s time to toke. When staying at a lover’s house, you may miss your favorite mini bong or Puffco by the next morning. It would be exceptionally thoughtful for partners that don’t live with each other to the other’s favorite way to consume at hand.
Always keep favored munchies stocked
This one is too easy not to do, but it’s still a kind gesture. Anyone having a date over to smoke up should have the fridge and pantry stocked up with snacks and bevs. Have cold water, of course, but also maybe note their favorite kombucha flavor, soda brand, or bubble water as a special treat. As for snacks, chips and a dip are a given, but why not also grab their favorite candy bar or sweet berries. Noticing the little things goes a long way–especially with stoners and snacks.
This year, keep the heart song playing through to next Valentine’s Day by learning and speaking your partner’s stoner love language. Most of these revolve around paying attention to your love. Noticing what they like, how they prefer to enjoy it, and other little things that make them unique shows that you appreciate who they are. That’s the greatest love of all.