consumption methods

Rose blunt 101 – rolling a smokable floral delight

Rose blunt: joint graphic over photo of roses

Cannabis consumption comes in many shapes and sizes. There’s even the option of smoking a pretty pink rose blunt. It all comes down to personal preference. Some opt for a bong rip, and some take dabs. For others, like fans of floral petal papers, the ritual of rolling up reigns supreme.

When it comes to the art of rolling, there’s just as much nuance as consumption itself. Choosing between joints and blunts is often the first step. From there, joint lovers will have a preferred paper brand. Additionally, some prefer to roll it themselves. Others choose to pack cones.

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As for blunts, the choices keep coming. The art of emptying traditional cigarillos and rolling a blunt will never go out of style. There are tightly packed sweet-flavored cigarillos and more rustic options. Since many of these blunt wraps have tobacco, some connoisseurs are trying new alternative papers like rose blunts.

Who created rose blunts?

A rose blunt tutorial posted on social media by content creator Sasha Warweg catapulted the rolling method to popularity in 2017. Donning a crop top with rose graphics, she demonstrated how she turns rose petals into a blunt wrap in a video that stays pinned on her Twitter account.

The video set social media ablaze. Cannabis influencers and interested stoners were trying their hand at crafting floral papers. Many were skeptical as to the safety of the process, while others set out to perfect their methods.

What are rose blunts?

Rose blunts are just what they sound like: cannabis rollies that use high-quality rose petals instead of papers or cigarillos. There are some wraps and cones made with rose petals available online, but since many roses are cultivated with pesticides and other harmful sprays, it’s best to make them at home. Luckily, there are numerous rose blunt tutorials with detailed instructions.
There are steps to rolling up a gorgeous, tasty rose blunt, and it’s time to break it down.

Why inhale rose petals?

The royal aesthetic of a rose blunt is just one reason to attempt to roll one. There is also scientific evidence that there could be benefits to inhaling rose oil.

One study on rats showed that rose oil, found in rose petals, could offset effects of chronic stress like skin dullness and cortisol production. Another review found that inhaling the oil led to a more comfortable feeling overall.

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Rose blunt ready: choosing the right roses

Choosing the right petals for a rose blunt is essential to safety and efficacy, making it a crucial step in preparing to roll one up. Commercially grown roses are not for human consumption and are often cultivated with pesticides and herbicides that can be harmful when consumed– or inhaled.

The best way to know it’s safe to consume rose petals is to cultivate the flowers. Sourcing them from a trusted local gardener is another solid way to ensure a rose blunt doesn’t contain harmful toxins.

Another aspect to pay attention to is the petal’s fragrance. This is an indicator of how much rose oil they contain. The more floral scent, the better. A well-hydrated rose makes for a more lustrous scent.

Once the appropriate roses are selected, it’s time to prep them to make their ultimate transformation into blunt wraps.

Preparing the rose petals

There’s some prep that goes into turning rose petals into rolling papers after they’ve been cleaned, and it requires an oven and baking sheet. Before doing anything else, the rose petals should be soaked in water and then rinsed to ensure bugs and garden nasties are removed. Then, it’s time to dry them out.

An oven is the best tool for drying rose petals into rolling papers at home. Warweg sets her oven to broil (~500°F) in the original video, keeping the rose petals in for a few seconds at a time. Other sources claim 250°F is appropriate. These directions recommend leaving petals in for a few minutes.

Essentially, the higher the temperature, the faster the petals dry out. On the flip side, the higher the temperature, the quicker the rose blunt papers will burn. Finding the right temp means drying petals without crisping them up too much to be rolled. The perfect temperature and method defer to the person rolling up.

Rolling a rose blunt

A rose blunt wrap takes two to three petals. The amount will dictate how long the blunt is. It also requires dedicating some unwavering attention to the oven.

  1. Lick the ends, press them together, and place the future wrap on a baking sheet.
  2. Pop it into the oven for anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the chosen method.
  3. Those who chose a few seconds on broil, give each end another lick, and adhere at this point and pop the rose blunt in for a few more seconds.
  4. Once the little rose shell is formed, take it out of the oven and let it sit to cool.
  5. In the meantime, grind up about a gram of flower. A strain that complements a rose flavor would be ideal.
  6. Pour the ground flower into the rose wrap and roll it up; the required technique is similar to rolling a Backwood.
  7. Place the rolled rose blunt back onto the baking sheet and back in the oven for a few seconds.
  8. Let it rest until cooled before lighting up and taking a deep inhale. Expect the rose oil flavor to come through, especially in that first hit.

Rose blunt strains for floral fans

Though any cannabis strain will work in a rose blunt, certain varieties may enhance the flavor and effects. Rose blunts take on a botanic flavor, which pairs well with certain kinds of cannabis (and other herbs).

A complementary floral-flavored strain like Lavender would be a solid choice. Citrus essence also pairs well with rose, amplifying the taste of the wrap. Weed strains steeped in lemon include Super Lemon Haze and Durban Poison.

The effects of smoking a rose blunt should also be considered. Research showed that rose oil may promote calm and quell anxiety. These effects can be matched against or with a strain. Someone might opt to try cannabis that makes them feel a bit anxious in a rose blunt in hopes the rose oil offsets the nervousness of the come-up. Others may add a strain for sleep to the petal wrap to amplify the sleep-inducing properties.

Choosing a cannabis strain to wrap up in a rose blunt could be based on flavor or effect. Either way, making a thoughtful choice could lead to an enhanced experience.

A rose blunt may be the best way to maximize the allure of a blunt. Sourcing rose petals could be the most complicated step in a process that doesn’t differ much from other popular rolling methods. Those who successfully roll up rose petals are bound to have a floral experience pretty enough for a picture.

Cara Wietstock is Senior Content Producer of and has been working in the cannabis space since 2011. She has covered the cannabis business beat for Ganjapreneur and The Spokesman Review. You can find her living in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, son, and a small zoo of pets. 

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