Even seasoned stoners forget this

Cannabis acceptance grows daily. This reduced stigma brings a rise in use across the board. Fewer people feel judged when they reach for the green, and newcomers have more opportunities to try it in a safe circumstance. A rise in use may also bring about a need to tighten up the rituals. Those who are used to smoking weed regularly might overlook a few key etiquette notes that are obvious to non-consumers.
These key tips differ from other stoner etiquette, which centers on actions within a sesh or while consuming the plant. Instead, these points help regular potheads check in and tighten up for the new year.
Stop the stench
Long-time lovers of weed may be nose blind to the smell. That means that a piece of clothing, their fingers, or breath that might seem chill to a lover of weed could actually smell pretty dank for multiple reasons.
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One way that some believe weed scents come out is through sweat, but that may not be quite right. Cannabinoids might pour out of the skin, but it is unknown whether the smell of it would translate to a weed musk. Instead, some believe that cannabis terpenes are similar to those in pit (and other) sweat. Whatever the answer, sometimes people have a marijuana musk. Drinking enough water could offset some of this potential stench for stoners.
Fingertips, clothes, and breath are also culprits for lingering cannabis smells. Wash hands, wear a smoking jacket, and get on that oral hygiene to avoid your aroma entering the room before you. Those who light up and hot box their living space should be warned that coats and other clothes left out may pick up the dankness even when they aren’t on a person.
Think about where smoke touches, and assume anything that it hits has a bit of smell to it. Dank-reducing candles and personal air filters can help address places, but getting rid of the weed smell that travels with a person takes more foresight.
Avoid resin lips
Not everyone deals with resin lip, but some do. The worst part about the phenomenon is that people often notice it before the person with brown, gummy lips does. That can be embarrassing in the wrong group.
There are many theories on why some people develop a line of resin around their inner lips after hitting a bong. However, even with so many posting on forums asking for help on the issue, haters say it isn’t real. Whether you believe in resin lip or not, here are the tips to avoid it.
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The first step to maintaining non-resinated lips is to keep every piece clean and change water after each sesh. This includes wiping down mouthpieces and checking for resin buildup in pipes. Next, avoid putting your lips deep into the bong. Keep them on the outside rim of the piece. As for joints, remove the lips from the weed with a crutch. Don’t be shy about a long crutch either as long as the air flows.
On the road again?
Legalization can make people lax about the law. For example, many in Washington state still believe that growing weed is legal for everyone despite it remaining a felony charge for non-patients. Stay in tune with the laws even years after legalization to avoid trouble.
Some commonly illegal things people do without thinking include minor infractions that could lead to more intense searches or police interaction. Traveling with weed in the car instead of the trunk is not advised, even in a legal weed state.
People should also wait hours after consuming cannabis before driving. This makes it safer for the cannabis lover and those around them. It also drastically reduces the risk of getting charged with driving under the influence. Those who do not wait until sober and carry cannabis in the car rather than the trunk could be facing steep charges if they are pulled over.
As for driving, do not take state-regulated weed products into new territory. Even if weed is legal from one state to the next, carrying an errant joint or flower on a road trip from one legalized locale to another is rarely legal. Buy weed when you get there instead.
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Legal weed is a wonderful thing for many, but rules and regulations must still be followed. Key in to these hot tips to avoid any issues with the law.
Stoner etiquette for experts
Following some cannabis etiquette ensures that people can step into weed culture without making faux pas. These tips hit it from a new angle, reminding weed lovers how to step back into non-infused society after a sesh.