Field Guide

Weekend’s Best: Wine & Cannabis Tours, Korova mini-cookies, and Black Panther

Kehinde Wiley's portrait of President Barack Obama.
Kehinde Wiley’s portrait of President Barack Obama.

Good afternoon!

It’s tempting to think we inhabit a post-prohibition reality. More and more retail stores are opening across California. Seemingly every celebrity in Hollywood plans to launch a product. There’s so many cannabis dinners and tours and talks — you could go to something every night.

But then others’ realities have a way of asserting themselves. Like being fired from your job for off-duty cannabis use.

This week, a California assemblyman introduced a bill to ban employers from discriminating against qualified medical cannabis patients. If enacted, the bill would make California the 12th such state to pass such protections. How Arizona, Nevada and Minnesota beat us to the idea — we’ll never know.

Meanwhile, venerated travel writer Rick Steves was in Washington DC this week lobbying Congress for a rational national marijuana policy. … And a 12 year-old girl named Alexis Bortell sued Attorney General Jeff Sessions over her right to take her seizure medication.

Sure, it’s easier to tune out, focus inward, and enjoy the best of life in a green state. But being informed and engaged is the yin to that yang. Freedom does not manifest itself. So enjoy yourself this weekend, and enjoy the work ahead. — David Downs


More and more new retail cannabis store openings in California. About 250 shops across the state are open to all adults 21 and over. Here’s the latest ones to open.

This weekend will see The Sonoma County Experience kick off its inaugural “Wine and Cannabis” tour, followed by a craft beer version next weekend. The full-day itinerary runs from San Francisco to Sonoma County and mixes wine tasting or craft beer, with dispensary and farm visits.


What is THC, and is it right for me? Emily Earlenbaugh, PhD, gives us the science and impacts of tetrahydrocannabinol on GreenState.

Also, inquiring minds want to know: what is vaping and is it healthier than smoking?

How will cannabis legalization affect alcohol consumption? RAND Drug Policy Research Center co-director Beau Kilmer and RAND economist Rosanna Smart ponder some conflicting data. Our reader poll results, however, were crystal clear.


We made infused chocolate-covered strawberries, pretzels and oreos, and then made a video to show you how.

One side effect of California legalization — there’s virtually zero places to throw a lawful cannabis event. But a new bill could restore the diverse events of yore.


President Barack Obama’s new portrait for the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery got tongues clucking, and cannabis photoshop enthusiasts photoshopping. All hail artist Kehinde Wiley.


Comedian and actress Chelsea Handler announced via Instagram she is planning her own cannabis strain that’s relaxing yet functional.

PBS travel star Rick Steves is on a whistlestop tour of the mid-Atlantic supporting cannabis reform. He met with Maryland lawmakers on Monday, delivered remarks to members of both houses of Congress on Tuesday and left for Delaware and Vermont Wednesday. “There are so many reasons to end the prohibition on marijuana. … it is clearly time for a new approach,” Steves told Congress.

The “Champ Champ” mixed martial arts fighter Conor Mcgregor was spotted in Amsterdam doing some shopping at the elite store Prix d’Ami.


The world’s biggest cannabis art contest — Natural Cannabis Company’s High Art 2018 — kicks off this week. The winner of this year’s “freedom” theme gets $15,000, their art on cannabis products, plus $10,000 donated to charity in their name.

Take a look as some of the world’s best ‘functional glass artists’ (aka pipe-makers) converged in the desert last week for the conference Glass Vegas.



The Gucci of cannabis strains used to be called “Gorilla Glue #4” until the glue makers sued. This week, the growers of the famed strain released a follow-up “New Glue” sure to inspire more counterfeits.


Leading California edibles maker Korova has launched a line of lower-dose mini-cookies as well as branded flowers to match!


Three of the biggest names in California cannabis flavors — Lemon Tree, Gold Drop, and Blue River Terps — have teamed up to on hot new vape cart for your Pax Era. It’s a must-buy.


High-volume cannabis doctors offices are closing up shop following legalization. Clinics in Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco have closed their doors since October, with the remaining hurting for clients.

‘Compassion programs’ that give away free marijuana to the needy are shutting down due to high taxes and regulations. Meanwhile, a more traditional type of corporate cannabis philanthropy is emerging.


The father of modern drug testing, Dr. Robert Dupont, has plenty to gain as he backs the expansion of the war on drugs under Attorney General Jeff Sessions; via Leafly.



Black Panther debuts tonight, and is already a hit with critics, scoring a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.

2 Dope Queens podcast Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams debut a four-show series on HBO.


Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood is getting solid reviews for his new classical soundtrack to Paul Thomas Anderson’s new Phantom Thread.

And Kendrick Lamar curated the Black Panther soundtrack. Woah.


Ladiesofparadise styles Portland brands, cannabis events — and your instagram feed.

Royal Key Organics is like a seat at the front row of the best in modern cannabis and extracts in 2018.

Best wishes for a relaxing, rewarding weekend, david downs + jimi devine

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