Where is cannabis legal in the United States? (Medical marijuana and CBD included)

US Cannabis Law By State

Hover over a state
Fully illegal
Medical legalization pending
Medical is legal but highly restricted
Medical is legal
Recreational legalization pending
Fully legal
Leaflet | Population data © US Census Bureau

This is the definitive, continually updated map of where states are in the process of going green. Whether it’s legalizing full recreational use or just medical marijuana, this map will show updates to marijuana legalization as they happen.

At this time, 24 states have legalized adult-use cannabis, and 39 have legalized medical marijuana.

How to read this map:

ILLEGAL: Marijuana use is illegal in this state.

Most of these states have no laws on cannabis use, and therefore defer to federal law. In most of these states, the sale and use of CBD (cannabidiol) in oil, tincture, and topical forms, or in certain edible products, is legal if it is derived from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC under federal law. However, in South Dakota, CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC is only available to qualifying patients for medicinal purposes.

LEGISLATION FOR MEDICAL PENDING: Pending legislation could soon make medical marijuana (including CBD) legal in this state

MEDICAL IS LEGAL, BUT HIGHLY RESTRICTED: Cannabis use for medicinal purposes is technically legal in this state, but is either not yet accessible or is only accessible for a highly restricted group of qualifying patients at this time. Find your state below to see if you qualify for medical marijuana.

MEDICAL IS LEGAL: Medicinal use of cannabis is legal for a wide variety of conditions in this state. States vary in terms of who qualifies, how it can be obtained, if it can be smoked, etc., but, in general, medical marijuana and CBD are accessible here.

LEGISLATION FOR RECREATIONAL PENDING: Pending legislation could soon make recreational marijuana legal in this state. Medical marijuana is already legal and accessible here.

LEGAL: The use and sale of recreational cannabis is legal in this state, though rules vary in terms of how and where marijuana can be sold, how much is allowed for personal consumption, and how it can be delivered, so check the rules by clicking your state below.

Bookmark this page and check back often for updates on marijuana legalization in the U.S. 

Click on a state to find out more about its marijuana laws:

Alabama: Medical is legal
Alaska: Fully legal
Arizona: Fully legal
Arkansas: Medical is legal
California: Fully legal
Colorado: Fully legal
Connecticut: Fully legal
Delaware: Fully legal
Florida: Medical is legal
Georgia: Medical is legal**
Hawaii: Medical is legal***
Idaho: Illegal*
Illinois: Fully legal
Indiana: Illegal
Iowa: Illegal
Kansas: Illegal*
Kentucky: Medical is legal
Louisiana: Medical is legal
Maine: Fully legal
Maryland: Fully legal
Massachusetts: Fully legal
Michigan: Fully legal
Minnesota: Fully legal
Mississippi: Medical is legal
Missouri: Fully legal
Montana: Fully legal
Nebraska: Medical is legal
Nevada: Fully legal
New Hampshire: Medical is legal***
New Jersey: Fully legal
New Mexico: Fully legal
New York: Fully legal
North Carolina: Illegal
North Dakota: Medical is legal
Ohio: Fully legal
Oklahoma: Medical is legal
Oregon: Fully legal
Pennsylvania: Medical is legal
Rhode Island: Fully legal
South Carolina: Illegal
South Dakota: Medical is legal
Tennessee: Illegal
Texas: Medical is legal**
Utah: Medical is legal
Vermont: Fully legal
Virginia: Fully legal
Washington: Fully legal
Washington, D.C. (U.S. district): Fully legal
West Virginia: Medical is legal***
Wisconsin: Illegal
Wyoming: Illegal

*Pending legislation could soon make medical marijuana legal in this state

**Medical use is technically legal in this state, but is either not yet accessible or is only accessible for a highly restricted group of qualifying patients

***Pending legislation could soon make recreational marijuana legal in this state

****CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC are only available to those with qualifying medical conditions in this state

Want to know more? Check out our state cannabis news: 

Massachusetts cannabis news

Connecticut cannabis news

California cannabis news

New York cannabis news

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