Essential weed accessory is low-key slept on

People who love cannabis often smoke it, though garden gummies and vape carts are swiftly gaining popularity. Even so, combusting herb remains a top consumption choice for many, and there are a litany of options within that category. People rip bongs, light pipes, or smoke joints to enjoy their weed to the fullest. For joint smokers, there are a few options: buy pre-rolls or roll your own. Either way, reconsider the hit if they aren’t rolled with the best joint filters.
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Those who roll their own often have a kit of supplies with their favorite papers, grinder, and joint tips. A filter tip can improve the smoking experience with hand-rolled joints or blunts, and pre-rolls, too, for that matter. As a joint burns down, the smoke gets hotter, and the cherry gets closer to fingers and lips. Filters help avoid burning your fingers and everything else.
Every option cools smoke for a more delightful hit, and a few might also filter out harmful parts of the smoke. It also cuts back on the risk of getting resin on the lips as the joint burns down. Consider vastly enhancing your smoking sessions by adding rolling tips to the setup.
Types of filters
There are a handful of valuable joint filters that utilize unique materials. Some are tossed after one joint, and others can be cleaned and reused time and time again. At the end of the day, the best joint filters lie in the eye of the beholder. Each cannabis consumer has individual needs, and each filter type has its perfect match.
Glass filters
Two kinds of glass filters work for joints: an external and an internal version. Both of these small cylinders have a groove in the middle to stop anything from breaking through. An internal glass joint filter is rolled into the paper with the weed. A bit of the tip is left out, reducing the probability of someone getting spit on the paper.
The external option works a bit differently. Joints are pushed right into one end of these glass filter tips, and lips touch the other. The ping in the middle of the tube works to keep the joint in place. When using this one, a joint should be rolled taught to the very tip for the best airflow. Both glass options reduce the risk of weed sneaking through the joint into your mouth, known as scooby snacks. They also cut back the risk of burnt lips and hot smoke.
Hemp filters
Another sustainable option is made from hemp. Biodegradable custom hemp filters like those made by Stave can be re-used in three to five joints. They are rolled into papers to help consumers avoid resin, singing, and flower. These are pricier at five dollars each, but as one of the few reusable and biodegradable tips, those who have the funds might want to consider hemp tips.
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Paper filters
Those who have enjoyed rolling joints for decades have surely rolled up a paper filter from a business card or specially designed paper filter tips. These are the easiest and most affordable options, but they are also one-time-use.
Activated carbon filters
This option takes the job a step further than others on the list, filtering out harmful parts of smoke that could impact lung health using activated carbon. There are a handful of activated carbon filters on the market from well-known brands like Weedgets and Purize, a German company that also makes pink and purple ones for Blazy Susan.

These ceramic filters are rolled into papers and can be used for one to three joints. Weedgets filters also work with their pipes, which could be an added bonus for some consumers.
Corn husk filter
Corn husk filters are known as a sustainable, biodegradable option to cool smoke, eliminate bits of weed from coming through, and cut down resin lips. At 100 tips for $30 from brands like King Palm, it is also a more affordable choice than hemp filters. These are rolled into papers and wraps for a cooled-off smoke sesh and thrown out after one use.
Ceramic filters
A ceramic filter is rolled into joints or pressed into pre-rolled cones for an uncrushable tip option. They can make tips less harsh, cool smoke, and stop the scooby snacks. Re-use ceramic tips and clean using the same method as ceramic pipes.
Ceramic Tip Pre Rolled Cones? Anyone try these?
byu/cartengineer intrees
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Silicone tips
Many cannabis accessory companies have leaned on medical-grade silicone in recent years, joint tips included. Most are outfitted with a stainless steel filter in the middle of the tube to halt weed from breaking through. Silicone filters may not cool smoke as much as some other joint tips. It is also vital to only use medical-grade silicone, making brand trust essential to finding safe products.
Wood filter tips
Wood is another organic material commonly fashioned into a joint tip. Organitips is one brand well-known for its wood tips. These are rolled directly into the papers. There are straight options meant to be completely inside of papers and others with a mouthpiece that can be left out of the end of the roll for ergonomic hits. Wood filters will build up resin and may be harder to completely sterilize compared to glass.
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Fusilli noodles
Recently, the fusilli noodle went viral as a viable joint tip. The spiral pasta is rolled completely into the joint. It can be hard to get airflow with this less-than-ideal filter, but if the fusilli works, it’s a great party trick only suitable when everyone in the circle tolerates gluten.
I use noodles for filters, the twist prevents inhaling material and price prevents me from ever running out; about 2 bucks for thousands of these.
byu/MaxPower4130 inStonerEngineering
Everyone has their own best joint filters
The best joint filters are the ones that are right for each consumer. From glass to corn husks to silicone, there is something for everyone. Identify the most important things, like sustainability or smoke filtration, and select the best joint filters to meet those goals. Smoking weed is still smoking, which means that it can come with some health risks. However, the best joint tips not only make a sesh more enjoyable, but they might also filter harmful smoke.