Best CBN melatonin gummies to help you sleep

Best CBN Melatonin Gummies

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If you are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, then you’ve come to the right place. The fact is that millions of people around the world have trouble sleeping. This could be for a variety of reasons ranging from stress and anxiety to straight-up insomnia.

However, no matter what the cause of your sleeplessness is, there may just be one good solution for everybody, which is a CBN melatonin gummy.

Both CBN and melatonin are known to have potential sleep benefits. They may act as sedatives and can help calm down your mind. That said, there are plenty of different edible gummies out there that contain these ingredients, but not all of them are high quality or as good as others.

Therefore, today, we’re here to take a close look at the best CBN melatonin gummies that the market has to offer. Before we do that, we’ll take a closer look at both CBN and melatonin to figure out what they’re all about. Let’s get to it and help you finally get the sleep you need.

Key Takeaways

  •       CBN is known as a potential calming agent and a sedative.
  •       Melatonin is a hormone that naturally induces your sleep cycle and makes you feel tired.
  •       When combined, melatonin and CBN may act as fantastic sleep aids.
  •       Melatonin and CBN are often combined with CBD for a potential entourage effect.
  •       Around 10 milligrams of CBN and two milligrams of melatonin should be more than enough to put you to sleep.

A Quick Look at the Best CBN Melatonin Gummies

Here is a quick peek at the very best CBN melatonin gummies that your money can purchase.

  1.     Slumber CBN Edible CBN & Melatonin Gummies: Editor’s Choice – Best CBN Melatonin Gummies
  2.     Cibadol Zero Mixed Berry Sleep Gummies: Best CBD & CBN Melatonin Gummies
  3.     Nama Edible CBD & CBN Gummies with Melatonin: Best Vegan CBD CBN Melatonin Gummies

Potential Benefits of CBN Melatonin Gummies

Let’s take a quick look at all of the potential benefits that you might reap from CBN melatonin gummies. What it really comes down to here is that these gummies are designed specifically to help you get a good night’s sleep. CBN, on its own, is a great cannabinoid as a sleep aid.

It is known for having both sedative and calming properties, particularly when taken in higher doses. It has relaxing properties that put you in a better state of mind, and CBN could possibly help remove some stress and anxiety. At the same time, it should also be sedative in nature, which means that it will naturally put you to sleep.

We then have melatonin, which in simplest terms, is a hormone that induces your sleep cycle. An intake of melatonin makes your body think that it’s time to sleep. Therefore, it is also a sedative. If you have trouble sleeping, CBN melatonin gummies might be right for you.

Pros & Cons of CBN and Melatonin

Just like anything else out there, both CBN and melatonin do have their advantages and disadvantages worth considering.


  •       The biggest benefit here is that these two substances together may help you get a good night’s sleep.
  •       CBN, on its own, may help you feel a bit less anxious, stressed out, and depressed.
  •       CBN, on its own, may also have anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties.
  •       While high doses of CBN may be slightly psychoactive, small or moderate amounts of it should not get you overtly high. Melatonin also won’t get you high. They are very beneficial substances that won’t impair your state of mind.
  •       Both of these substances are 100% legal as long as the CBN is derived from hemp.


  •       These substances, particularly melatonin, may produce some negative side effects like headaches, nausea, and diarrhea.
  •       If you are looking for a psychoactive high, then the combination of CBN and melatonin may not be right for you because they’re mildly psychoactive at best.

How Does CBN and Melatonin Make You Feel?

As covered above, CBN and melatonin are both non-psychoactive or intoxicating for most people. Unlike THC, they don’t produce much of a cerebral head high or body sensations. They don’t intoxicate you or overtly impair either your motor skills or your cognitive abilities.

However, the combination of the two may help relieve some pain, make you feel much calmer and less stressed out, and could also make you feel extremely tired and sleepy. The main point of the CBN and melatonin, when combined, is to act as a sleep aid.

CBN vs Melatonin for Sleep

Generally speaking, melatonin is a stronger sedative than CBN, but it’s also known for having more severe side effects, particularly headaches and gastrointestinal upset. However, everybody is different, and everybody responds differently to both compounds.

Therefore, some people may find that CBN is better than melatonin and vice versa. Therefore, we’ve chosen products today that combine both of these ingredients so you get the best of both worlds.

Best CBN Melatonin Gummies

Let’s move on and take a look at the top three best melatonin CBN gummies that will help get you to sleep.

1. Slumber CBN Edible CBN & Melatonin Gummies: Editor’s Choice – Best CBN Melatonin Gummies

The mission of Slumber CBN is very simple and straightforward: to help improve the quality of your sleep and improve your everyday well-being.

This brand is all about using CBN derived from the hemp plant to provide you with maximum tranquility and relaxation every single night. This brand is also about educating the greater public about how CBN and other cannabinoids may have various benefits.

Slumber CBN is also dedicated to providing the best possible products that have been third-party laboratory tested to ensure that they are potent, safe, and legal. Let’s take a look at one of our favorite melatonin and CBD products out there.

Slumber CBN - CBN Edible - CBN Gummies + Melatonin - 45mg-450mg

Photo Courtesy of


These gummies feature a rather enjoyable vanilla blueberry flavor. With these edibles, you’re getting 30 gummies per package, with each one containing 15 milligrams of CBN and two milligrams of melatonin. That makes for a total of 450 milligrams of CBN and 60 milligrams of melatonin.

This bottle should last you for 30 days. Only the highest quality of ingredients have been used here, and the product has been third-party tested. It should help you get a good night’s sleep and provide you with various other benefits that CBN has.


  •       Fantastic sleep aid
  •       Calming agent
  •       Good price
  •       Decent flavor
  •       Third-party tested


  •       Very sticky on the teeth

2. Cibadol Zero Mixed Berry Sleep Gummies: Best CBD & CBN Melatonin Gummies

The mission of Cibadol is very simple: to provide everybody and anybody with top-quality CBD. This brand has top-quality farming standards, and this ensures that all hemp used in these products is 100% organic and that no pesticides or herbicides have been used.

All products are always non-GMO. Furthermore, all CBD and other cannabinoids here are CO2 extracted in a sustainable way, and everything is done in a GMP-certified manufacturing facility.

All products from this brand are always third-party tested by an independent source; they are kosher-certified and cruelty-free. The main point of this brand is to produce the healthiest and most natural products out there. The mixed berry sleep gummies we are here to look at today are one of these products.


Here you get 30 sleep gummies per package, with each one containing 30 milligrams of CBD, 5 milligrams of CBN, and 5 milligrams of melatonin. The combination of these two cannabinoids with melatonin should definitely help put you to sleep.

They may help calm down your mental state and will likely sedate you. You should fall asleep within about 30 minutes after taking a single gummy. You may also get some additional pain relief benefits from these gummies. Yes, a single gummy should be more than good enough for most people.

As you can probably tell by the name, they feature a mixed berry flavor. On a side note, something we really like about these gummies is that they are sweetened with honey and tapioca syrup instead of something like super unhealthy high-fructose corn syrup. All of the ingredients used here are natural.


  •       Made from natural ingredients
  •       Has CBD, CBN, and Melatonin
  •       May have pain relief and stress relief benefits
  •       Cost-effective
  •       Third-party tested


  •       Not exactly the best flavor

3. Nama Edible CBD & CBN Gummies with Melatonin: Best Vegan CBD CBN Melatonin Gummies

Nama started in just 2021, a couple of short years ago. The founder, Chris, started the brand with the focus of creating hemp-infused confections to bring you quality.

A group of highly skilled experts and bright individuals comprise this brand, and they’re here to provide you with some of the most irresistible products on the market. One of the main goals here is to help you get a good night’s sleep, but there’s so much more to it than that.

It’s all about using something natural, hemp, to provide us with a variety of benefits. The melatonin, CBD, and CBN gummies that we’re about to look at are one of their most popular products.


Here you get 20 gummies, each of which contains 3 milligrams of melatonin, as well as a 5 to 1 ratio of CBD to CBN. The package, in total, contains 500 milligrams of both CBD and CBN.

These three ingredients should work together to help calm you down, relieve some stress and anxiety, and put you to sleep.

These gummies are fruit filled with a wild strawberry flavor, and they do actually taste rather enjoyable. Furthermore, they have been third-party tested to ensure that they are high quality, potent, and legal, as set out by the 2018 Farm Bill.


  •       Good price
  •       Good taste
  •       The ideal combination of ingredients for sleep
  •       May also have some stress relief benefits
  •       Third-party tested


  •   May cause mild headaches

How We Made Our Top Choices for the Best CBN and Melatonin Gummies

To assure you that we have chosen the best of the best CBN and melatonin gummies out there, let’s quickly go over our selection process and what goes into it.

  •       We always pay attention to dosage. We want to know exactly how much CBN and melatonin are in these edibles. Some people need a lot, and some people need a little, so we’ve done our best to provide you with a bit of variety.
  •       We want to know that the CBN is derived from the hemp plant and, more importantly, that only natural and organic hemp is used in the manufacturing process. We want everything to be as free of contaminants as possible, which means also being free of pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms.
  •       One of the most important considerations here is third-party testing. We always need to ensure that these products don’t contain unacceptable or illegal levels of Delta-9 THC.
  •       Although it’s not a deal breaker, we do like products that aren’t too high in sugar, additives, or preservatives. The fewer ingredients these products have, the better.

Conclusions & Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, if you’re having trouble sleeping, taking a combination of CBN and melatonin might just be the solution you need. We’ve gone over the top three melatonin and CBD gummies out there, and now it’s up to you to make a choice between them.


How Much CBN Should I Take to Sleep?

For beginners, a good dosage of CBN to help you sleep is around 10 milligrams. If you have a lot of trouble sleeping, you can start with around 15 milligrams.

How Much Melatonin Should I Take for Sleep?

For beginners, a good melatonin dosage for sleep is between 2 milligrams and 4 milligrams.

Is CBN and Melatonin Safe?

Although there may be some very minor side effects, generally speaking, the combination of melatonin and CBN may help improve your sleep.

Hearst Newspapers participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn a commission when you purchase products featured here. Please consult your doctor before starting any new supplement to see it is right for you.

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