Best CBD for knee pain: products to get you back in the game

holding knee best cbd for knee pain

If you’ve ever suffered or currently suffer from knee and joint pain – you’re far from being alone. In fact, it’s estimated that about one in four Americans deal with joint pain. That’s a whopping 25 percent, which adds up to over 80 million people living in the U.S. who deal with joint pain, including knee pain and inflammation. With so many people trying hemp products for these ailments, they may wonder: what is the best CBD for knee pain?

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Many things can cause knee pain: it may be the result of an injury, like a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. In other cases, knee pain may be due to medical conditions – like arthritis, gout, and infections. 

Sometimes, it’s as easy as taking a break, wearing a knee brace, and doing physical therapy when it comes to injury. When it comes to medical conditions, though, the road to recovery or coming to terms with dealing with symptoms can be a long and winding one. 

While your best bet is always to talk to a medical professional about knee and joint pain, CBD may lend a helping hand when dealing with it. Cannabidiol is a generally non-psychoactive compound of cannabis that has helped many people overcome pain, deal with symptoms, and help them live more fulfilling lives. 

In this article, we’ll explore how CBD may be beneficial, as well as provide a roundup of some of our favorite CBD products that may help target knee and joint pain. 

Is CBD Oil Good for Knee Pain?

Chronic knee pain can be debilitating, especially when it’s chronic and never-ending. It causes discomfort and can affect your daily life, changing the way you interact with those around you, yourself, and the world. There are many treatments available, and sometimes, the less conventional ones (like the potential benefits of CBD) might just do the trick. 

There are many different things that cause chronic knee pain. Injuries, regular daily wear-and-tear, and diseases like arthritis and gout can make knee pain unbearable. Here are some possible reasons you might suffer from knee pain: 

  • Traumatic injury
  • Degenerative conditions
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Infection
  • Tendinitis
  • Being overweight may put more strain on knee joints

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Here are some symptoms you may expect when dealing with knee pain:

  • Stiffness
  • Redness
  • Decreased mobility
  • Weakness
  • Swelling

While CBD is still being studied, it’s widely used by people who deal with pain. Decreasing inflammation is thought by many experts to be the leading cause of relief, as endocannabinoid receptors can help reduce inflammation and bring comfort. 

You may experience moderate joint pain relief and less inflammation when using CBD products, although it’s always smart to talk to a medical professional about options when it comes to chronic pain. 

Now that we’ve covered the science of it, let’s get into some products that may help you deal with symptoms of knee and joint pain. 

Best CBD Cream for Knee Pain

FOCL Relief Cream

If you’re on the lookout for the best CBD cream for knee pain, FOCL relief cream has got your back (or knee, in this case). 

This topical cream can quickly zap out aches and pains with powerful dosages that range from 1000mg to 3000mg, packed with premium CBD and other powerful and beneficial botanicals. 

With CBD and camphor oil, you’ll be using two ingredients that can soothe aches and recover sore muscles in no time. And if you want to reduce inflammation, repair, and nourish, you’ve got organic aloe and arnica on your side. Finally, here’s the coolest part (literally): with menthol, eucalyptus, and wintergreen oil, you’ll feel a cooling sensation that sets in quickly and allows you to experience rapid relief.

Plus, it’s so easy to use: just clean the area, rub in the cream 3-4 times a day, wash your hands and allow the soothing sensations to settle in so you can get on with your life feeling better. 

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Best CBD Gummies for Knee Pain


Gummies can be a great way to consume CBD, not only because they’re straightforward and easy to use but also because they make it seem like more of a treat than a chore. For the best CBD gummies for knee pain, take a look at BATCH CBD Gummies

These gummies are proudly crafted in Wisconsin and give you a whopping 25mg of CBD per gummy that’ll let you have a tasty experience while experiencing the benefits of pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, you’ll love the assortment of blueberry, raspberry, and mango flavors that are juice and all-natural. 

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Best CBD Oil for Knee Pain

Medterra Max Relief + Relax Oil

CBD oil is one of the most common types of CBD out there. For people struggling with any kind of pain management, Medterra Max Relief + Relax CBD Oil is just the ticket. The dropper makes it easy to personalize your dose, so you’ll get exactly what you need, depending on the situation. 

This full-spectrum CBD oil also contains CBG, a cannabinoid touted for its potential to relieve inflammation, increase focus, and support metabolic function. That means you’ll get more benefits from the entourage effect, which is the idea that all parts of the cannabis plant work better in concert. Medterra only sources its hemp from U.S.-based farmers, and all products undergo strict testing for purity and potency. A 30-day satisfaction guarantee means you can try the Medterra oil with confidence.

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Other Great CBD Products to Help with Knee Pain

Evn CBD Curcumin Capsules

CBD can often be blended with other botanicals to create a potentially more potent effect, as is the case with Evn CBD Curcumin Capsules. We’ve already talked about the potential anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits of CBD, so let’s get into why these capsules combine perfectly with curcumin. 

Curcumin has been shown in some studies to help manage oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndromes, arthritis, anxiety, and management of muscle soreness and recovery. You’ll get 25mg of CBD and another 250mg of curcumin per capsule, letting you find quick and rapid relief. 

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Charlotte’s Web CBD Balm

For quick relief for any aches and pains in the muscles and joints, try out Charlotte’s Web CBD Balm. This product promises to be especially effective for larger problem areas like the thighs, stomach, or back. Formulated with CBD, menthol, peppermint oil, turmeric oil, and ginger oil, this blend of botanicals and cannabinoids is designed to have you feeling relief quickly and being able to carry on with business as usual. 

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Joy Organics

For a truly spa-like experience that nourishes dry and cracked skin while revitalizing muscles and joints with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits, try out Joy Organics Organic CBD Salve. This salve has been medically reviewed, so you know it’s a high-quality product.

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What do the studies say about CBD and joint pain?

While CBD is still currently being studied to understand its full effects and benefits, exciting results show that cannabinol may be a promising approach to dealing with pain and inflammation in the joints, most notably in patients with arthritis pain. 

However, one of the largest reviews that dug deep into the effects of CBD and pain says there is “substantial evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.” Another study showed improvements in pain, physical function, and sleep quality in 44 percent of people participating. 

While science is still catching up, anecdotal evidence and testimonials speak wonders of CBD for knee and other chronic pain. Whether in capsule, liquid, topical, or edible form, CBD has helped many people feel better and live more fulfilling lives. 

Does CBD work for inflammation?

In a 2016 animal study, scientists looked at the effects of CBD on rats with joint inflammation. Promising results found that topical CBD gel reduced joint swelling and pain in the rats with no significant side effects. A more recent 2017 review found that the possible anti-inflammatory effects of CBD may help people dealing with:

  • General and chronic pain
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases

Is CBD legal?

If you’re concerned about the legality of CBD, no need to worry. Since the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp-derived cannabinoid products are federally legal, which means you can get CBD products no matter where you are (even delivered to your front door).

Rest assured, hemp-derived CBD containing less than 0.3 percent of THC is legal everywhere (although some states may require a medical license). Check out the legal conditions of CBD in your state here. 

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Best CBD for knee pain – final thoughts

Many people around the country deal with knee and joint pain. While the best thing to do is to consult a medical professional, going for less mainstream options like CBD creams, salves, tinctures, capsules, and edibles may help you deal with symptoms along with other treatments. 

In light of how many people suffer from knee and joint pain, let’s end this article by giving you a few tips on how you can take care of your knees and have them (and you) feeling your best:

  • Don’t rest too much (unless it’s what the doctor ordered). Keeping yourself active can stop your muscles from weakening, which could make the pain worse. Before doing exercise, consult with a professional about what activities are safe for your joints.
  • Try CBD. If your doctor gives the okay, CBD may help you deal with symptoms of pain and inflammation.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings. It goes without saying that no one wants to fall down. Apart from the embarrassment of tripping in public, try to stay away from activities that can cause falls and further cause more damage. There’s no shame in using handrails, ladders, foot stools, knee braces, canes, crutches, and additional support instead of risking a fall.
  • RICE: no, not actual rice. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. When dealing with an arthritis flare-up or a minor injury, using the RICE method can help ease symptoms and speed up recovery. 
  • Consult with a doctor if you’re overweight. If your weight is causing issues with knee pain, talk to a medical professional about your options so you can live your best life, no matter what you look like.
  • Find shoes that work for you. Oftentimes, certain shoes aren’t helpful when it comes to knee pain. Finding footwear or insoles that support your joints rather than making the pain worse can help you find relief. 

At the end of the day, CBD isn’t a magical cure for knee and joint pain, and not even the strongest CBD will work for everyone. It is, however, a possible aid to help deal with symptoms and manage discomfort. If you currently are suffering from knee and joint pain and your doctor has OK’d you to try CBD, go through our list of products and pick one that suits your needs.

Charlotte Matthews

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