“Tell me you’re high… without telling me you’re high”: 12 Responses That Are Actually Hilarious

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock this past year (no shame in the game,) you’ve probably seen the Tweets, Instagram posts, and TikTok videos responding to the #tellmewithouttellingme challenge.

The challenge, in which social media users challenge each other to share something about themselves without directly referencing it, has sparked innumerable responses from content creators around the globe, making the rest of us scroll in awe of the extent of human creativity.

One of the more recent #tellmewithouttellingme prompts to emerge was “Tell me you’re high, without actually telling me you’re high.” And boy, do we love the responses on this one.

Here are 12 “Tell me you’re high, without actually telling me you’re high” posts that got our attention here at GreenState.

1. “Sorry babe, this usually doesn’t happen”

2. POV: you ARE the neighbor

3. A feast

4. “It feels right”

5. It’s like a chip… but if you folded it and put food inside

6. Tackling the big questions

7. This would make sense of a lot

8. Who’d have thunk?

9. “Historic bamboozles”

10. Dashed hopes

11. She may be on to something

12. Nuff said

Elissa Esher is Assistant Editor at GreenState. Her work has also appeared in The Boston Guardian, Brooklyn Paper, Religion Unplugged, and Iridescent Women. Send inquiries and tips to elli.esher@hearst.com.

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