Where is medical marijuana the most expensive in the U.S.? Where is it the cheapest?

With medical marijuana becoming more commonly used throughout the U.S., there’s been a lot of public outcry against the differing prices of weed from state to state. The price of medical marijuana varies wildly throughout the country, going from around $75 per ounce in Maine to 5x that in some surrounding states.
Why the difference? There are a lot of reasons, but what it basically comes down to is the fact that because cannabis is not federally regulated, the price of cannabis is dictated only by supply and demand. So, if you’re the only dispensary within 1,000 miles, it’s easy to hike up your prices without losing many customers. And since it’s federally illegal to bring cannabis across state lines, people in states where cannabis is expensive just have to deal with it.
But which states have the cheapest marijuana? And where is it most expensive? If you’re a medical cannabis patient considering a move, you’ve come to the right spot. We looked at the latest stats to get an estimate on where cannabis is the most expensive, and where it is cheapest, in the U.S.
A quick disclaimer
Before we get too in the weeds (pun intended), we have to make one thing clear: Though there is some data on this subject, there isn’t a lot. To write this article, we looked at recent news stories on the cannabis market in states where medical marijuana is legal, reports from users, and a 2020 study that compared the average price of cannabis in every state at the time.
But many factors go into the pricing of marijuana, whether it’s medical-grade or not, and because the market is always changing, this ranking is bound to change over time.
You can, therefore, consider this a general estimate of the cost of marijuana in each state, but we recommend you also do your own research on the subject.
RELATED: Legalization Nation: Medical cannabis price gouging
Where is medical marijuana most expensive?
The District of Columbia was reported to have the highest medical marijuana prices in the country in 2020, with the cost said to be almost twice that of the national average. All of the medical marijuana in D.C. comes from a small handful of growers, making it difficult to find (and almost impossible) to find at a low price.
Other states where medical marijuana prices are reported to be high include Illinois, North Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia.
While recreational marijuana use is legal in some of these states and only medical marijuana is allowed in others, none of these states have been in the cannabis industry for very long. A combination of factors, such as high tax costs and small supplies, make the cost of marijuana in these states much higher.
Where can you find the cheapest medical marijuana?
The state of Oregon boasts the cheapest medical marijuana prices. The state is producing so much marijuana that there’s too much competition, making prices at an all-time low. Growers in Oregon are producing so much marijuana that people in the state can’t even use it all.
While medical marijuana in Oregon is the cheapest, several other states reportedly offer reasonable options. These include Washington, Colorado, California, and Montana.
Marijuana tends to be cheapest in places where it has been legal for some time. With medical marijuana having been legal in all five of these states for some time, it’s no surprise that the cost to purchase marijuana is cheaper than in other states across the country.
Do your research
Marijuana prices in your state can change often, and can even vary by city, so always do a little research to find the most accurate pricing and the best deals near you. If you’re wondering where to buy marijuana in your city or town, a quick online search of “marijuana near me” will help you figure out your options.