Oscars star’s six-figure gift bags include CBD… for mosquito bites?

CBD Mosquito bites
Getty (Photo by Doug Peters/PA Images via Getty Images)

On Sunday, the Hollywood elite donned their finery and gathered for the 95th annual Academy Awards. Each year, actors and directors nominated for an Oscar receive “Everyone Wins” gift bags containing over $100k worth of gifts, trips, and other exclusive items. In the last few years, bags have–of course–contained luxury CBD products.

This year, nominees received products from The All Better Co. which crafts novel CBD products that claim to stop that nagging itch that accompanies bug bites. Their “Don’t Scratch That Kit” contains a pen and patches made with CBD and other ingredients to combat the urge to itch.

Scratching bug bites can lead to infection. It also further inflames the skin which can lead to more itching. Over-the-counter antihistamines and various anti-itch creams have long been used to treat bugsome mosquito bites. Some people will ice a bite or create a poultice with baking soda and water to reduce itchiness.

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The claim that topical hemp and CBD products can kill the urge to itch is a newer one supported solely by anecdotal evidence. “The Don’t Scratch That” topical pen made by The All Better Co. uses CBD in combination with jojoba oil, coconut oil, and other ingredients. The patch is made with tea tree oil alongside extract from cannabis sativa stems. Without a proper clinical study, we cannot say if the promised anti-itch effect of The All Better Co.’s products is thanks to the active cannabinoids in them or their other moisturizing or otherwise soothing ingredients.

That said, the CBD pen seems like a solid product to include in Oscars “Everyone Wins” gift bags alongside a plastic surgery visit, a controversial plot of Aboriginal land, and a luxury Canadian vacation. We’ll have to ask Jamie Lee Curtis or Michelle Yeoh if it works.

Cara Wietstock is Senior Content Producer of GreenState.com and has been working in the cannabis space since 2011. She has covered the cannabis business beat for Ganjapreneur and The Spokesman Review. You can find her living in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, son, and a small zoo of pets. 

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