Which interior design style is right for your sesh

Set and setting don’t only apply to psychedelics. Some might argue that the vibe of a space is just as vital for a cannabis smoke sesh. A cozy room could inspire long, winding conversations, while an understated design may lead to a bounty of ideas and creative exploration.
Interior design comes down to more than personal preference, although that plays its part. How a space is furnished and decorated influences the function and perhaps the vibes of the sesh. These common interior design styles might promote a positive environment for rolling up.
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Minimalism isn’t just an aesthetic-it’s a lifestyle. Neutrals, open floor plans, natural light, and intentional pieces are a must with a minimalist interior.
Whether monochromatic or featuring an expertly executed pop of color, these rooms are tidy and sparse. And don’t let the commonality of natural light fool you–there probably won’t be plants.
Smoking weed in this environment may duplicate the open floor plan in your mind, removing the clutter of consumerism and making space for creative, spontaneous ideas. Don’t write off minimalism sesh spaces because they lack comfy blankets and trippy art on the walls. There’s value in a cleansed palate.
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Mid-century modern
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This Millennial mainstay style was all the rage in the 2010s. Though interiors are trending more toward loud, 1980s revival pieces lately, it’s not too late for a mid-mod moment.
When executed correctly, this classic style is timeless. Imagine a mish-mash of man-made and natural fibers alongside graphic shapes. Strong, cutting lines accented by muted or vibrant colors will also be present.
Planning to roll one up at your mid-mod friends’ house? Expect to ruminate on ideals and philosophies. Get lit in a well-designed mid-century modern home, and suddenly, you’re Ernest Hemingway writing Old Man and the Sea. Allen Ginsburg and William S. Burroughs could have sat in rooms reminiscent of these– and the air of the era can infiltrate the right mind.
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Don’t discount this aesthetic as the obligatory bohemian phase. You know, where Sublime posters, incense burners from the import shop, and a tapestry of some kind adorned the walls.
Though these are technically bohemian, these interiors can be enchanting when executed with intent. Natural fibers, warm colors, and understated lighting are staples in the genre. Oftentimes, second-hand and antique furniture are the best fit.
Bohemian spaces feature fun seating like floor pillows, hanging chairs, and deep couches, making this interior style well-suited for smoking weed with friends. The most important thing to look out for is appropriation in Bohemian decor, don’t put a Buddha on your mantle just because it fits in the space.
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Perhaps the hardest to successfully pull off, eclectic interiors merge eras and styles into one cohesive design.
Designing eclectic rooms requires a good eye and the freedom to fail sometimes. Behind every solid eclectic space are a few failures. After all, choosing components for an industrial mid-century modern Craftsman isn’t fail-proof. Expect to see multiple patterns while combining smooth and rough textures– essentially, exploring tactile juxtaposition.
After consuming cannabis in an eclectic interior the senses will come to life as the cannabis makes each careful decision that went into the space more apparent. Rich colors and contrasting textures only provide additional fodder for a mind ablaze, making eclectic interior design an apt choice for the friend who likes to host and toke.
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You’ll find maximalists one step past eclectics. These dopamine seekers may look like colorful hoarders to the untrained eye, but they’re more layered than that.
Successful execution of a maximalist space goes beyond buying lots of stuff and putting it into a room. Core themes include bold colors, repeated elements, and contrasting patterns and themes. Think patterned animal wallpaper, huge collections like vintage books or Coca-cola memorabilia displayed as a centerpiece, and lots of bright layered colors and patterns.
A friend who gets overstimulated may opt out of a session in a maximalist home, but most will feel like a kid at a 1980s arcade. The possibilities for activities feel endless. There’s no end of things to stare at, ponder, and comprehend in these spaces, which can be nice after getting lifted. But remember, if you’re stoned at a maximalist’s, don’t touch anything without asking– some of the textures aren’t meant to be experienced.
Setting the right tone for a sesh can include finding the right snacks, offering something to drink, and picking a playlist. But don’t forget about the interior design. Decor plays a vital role in how people feel in your space, and these styles are great for a sesh. So remember, consider the vibe before diving into a remodel.